Chapter 12

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"Appa! Mr. Seokjinnie taught me how to multiply! Do you know 5 times 6? It's...30!" Jungkook clapped and Namjoon chuckled.

"Good job buddy." Today was only the third day and Seokjin has already made such a big difference. Where was he 5 years ago when things started going down hill?

"Namjoon...appa, if you end up with Mr. Seokjin, please don't let him leave." Yoongi sat on his father's bed, along with everyone else.

He had gotten home and called Yoongi to get everyone in the house and make their way here. Everyone looked at their Appa and seemed to agree with the oldest's statement.

"Did you me appa?" Namjoon opened his eyes to look at his oldest. The boy shrugged.

"What's wrong with it?" He stopped making eye contact and gave a nonchalant aura, actually feeling pretty embarrassed.

"Nothing, nothing at's just you gave up on calling me that a long time
ago." Taehyung cuddled onto Jimin. As they both smiled.

"Appa, Mr. Seokjin is a good cook, can he move in with us?" Jimin almost begged, holding his brother's hand as tight as he could.

"I don't think he'll like it here. We haven't been in our kitchen in over a year, no telling what's in there."

"Ooh one time I made Jungkook turn on the light in there and it was like roach city! And then there was green stuff on the tiles and it was really gross."

"Exactly, so Seokjin can't live here."

"What if we cleaned the kitchen?" Jimin mumbled.

"Gross." Namjoon laughed. "Never."

"But Mr. Seokjin can't live here if he can't cook!" Jimin now pouted. "Please appa?"

"I..." He couldn't say no. His gut was telling him that cleaning the kitchen was a good idea, but his weak stomach said to stay away.

"Namjoon appa, make Jimin do it by himself."

"Really?" Jimin gasped. "Kay." He got up and went to the bathroom, coming out with a shit ton of cleaning materials, towels and gloves included. He also got a broom and dust pan.

"Do you know how to use that?"

"No..." He continued to walk to the kitchen from Namjoon's room, yet stopped right before the junk. "I'm scared." Everyone has followed to see if he could do it. He couldn't. His legs shook but everything else was frozen in place as he eyed the mess that is their kitchen. There was that noise, and he could see the ground moving.

Namjoon sighed. "I'll help you."


"Kaptarnap epe hataelolilepoo?"

"Yes you can!" Jimin threw some supplies at him.

"We'll need to kill the bugs first, I'm not letting them stay."

Namjoon got the bug spray and turned the light on. The bugs were on the walls and all on the floor. Some even got into the cabinets and sink.

"I think I'm gonna be sick.." he held his mouth and gagged.

"Appa, I got this." Jimin grabbed the spray and started with the floor, spraying every corner and tile.

"Dreop Joeepemonepenap!" Taehyung got the broom and swept after him, getting the bugs that were dead and getting there in one place so that they could walk into the kitchen with no problems.

Namjoon had puked in the bathroom, and came back to the floor being cleaned. "Good job..."

As they cleaned the kitchen Seokjin came knocking at the door. He misses his boys, what could he say?

Yoongi opened it and almost smiled, but he didn't want to seem desperate. He's a cool guy.


"Hey Yoongi, are you guys coming over today?"

"I don't think so...they seem busy." He gestured behind him to the kitchen.

"The smell is in my mouth!"

"Close it then!"

Seokjin walked in to see what exactly was going on. "Sure, come in." Yoongi said in a very sarcastic way.

A gasp was heard. It was from behind the couch. Then tiny footsteps and pattering on the tiles were heard.

"Mr. Seokjinnie!" Jungkookie came and hugged him, running as fast as he could and almost taking him out if I'm being honest.

"Woah, slow down before we both fall."

"Sorry," he giggled. "Guess what 5 times 6 is!" The tiny human was attached to his waist as he smiled up to the man with his brightest smile.

"What is it?"

"It's 30!" Jungkook giggled as he ran away.

Seokjin walked to the kitchen to see Namjoon nearly green in the face as he disposed a moldy dish.

"Oh, Seokjin." He took that as an excuse to leave the kitchen.

"What's...going on?"

Namjoon scratched the back of his head. "These two wanted to clean the kitchen for you- yeah um they wanted t-he kitchen to get cleaned. It's a disaster."

Jimin began to cough as his eyes watered. "It's so bad appa!"

"First off, where are your masks. Those fumes are deadly plus the stench is worse. You could all get sick!"

He ran out to his house to grab four masks and the proper cleaning tools. They didn't even have a mop, just towels and a broom.

When he returned Taehyung had Jimin on his shoulders as they attempted to fight a spider.

"Get down! That isn't safe!" When the spider moved Jimin jumped back and Seokjin was quick to catch him.

"Oh my gosh you kids have a death wish. Leave...please."

Namjoon crossed his arms. "you don't think we're capable of cleaning our own kitchen?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. Go watch TV or something."

Namjoon decided to leave it and took his two little ones out.

Yoongi was smiling for once. To himself though, don't tell anyone. When Namjoon noticed though, the smile turned into a playful smirk.

"Your husband came to the rescue."

"Shut it." Namjoon rolled his eyes at his oldest child, blushing a bit.

"Appa, if you do marry Seokjin, who would top. You guys both seem dominant yet submissive as fuck." Hoseok whispered the last part.

"We won't speak of that. We're not getting married!"

As seokjin listened, he choked on his spit a bit, and not because of the smell. The way that the children talked to Namjoon was how you would hear high schoolers talk to their friends. And, it was about them, how awkward!

But at least they weren't stressing him out. He's take this over anything. Well...he's also take a normal pg conversation where he's a part of it and not cleaning a disgusting kitchen.

"Mony shataeopmontarkaphata hataooeyrittaesha!"

"Seokjin, do you happen to have any pepto?"

I'm losing this story heh hopefully this chapter was okay

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