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Why did I do that to myself? Now I gotta come up with something to dull that hectic chapter down, it was too much lmao that was the alcohol typing for me

Forgive me, now let's continue

"Kim Taehyung."


"Mr. Seokjin, this is pork right?" I held up my silverware. He smiled at me and nodded. "I love pork." I took another huge bite and looked at my oldest brother. He looked to be thinking hard.

I took my little notebook and wrote something quickly.

'What's up with hyung?'

I drew an arrow pointing at Yoongi and showed my twin. He bit his lip and scribbled something.

'He saw my laptop'

"Um, Yoongi hyung?" He snapped his head towards me and I blushed, smiling wider too. "I need help with something, can you help me?" He shrugged and got up after me.

"It's rude to leave the table before finishing your food, especially when there's a guest." Seokjin pointed. Our appa nodded and I pouted.

"Just this once appas, it'll be really quick." I begged silently until appa flicked his wrist and dismissed us. I smiled and pulled Yoongi along.

"You saw?"

"You're part of that too?" His expression changed to actually show emotion. I tried to keep smiling as I nodded.

"It's fun, we've been trying it out and practicing together. But um...we don't have everything that we need..." I made eye contact with him and his eyebrows fell together. The urge to poke his face to make his expression change was growing, but I tied my hands behind my back by holding both my elbows. My question slipped so smoothly. "Since you saw, can you keep it a secret?" He shrugged

"Easy. I don't ever want to talk about what that was, why you're doing it ever."

"But hyung, I wasn't finished. Can you also help us? Originally we weren't planning on telling anyone, but since you're the only one who knows..."

"I'm basically stuck with no choice but to volunteer..." Yoongi frowned.


So Youngjae, how long have you been driving? I've always put Yoongi in the driver's seat but the most he's done is start the car. I laughed.

"Um, my appa has been taking me driving since I was tw-fourteen years old. It's really fun."

"Have you started any class for it?"

"Mhm, my uncle is the teacher."

"Appa, can I start driving?" Hoseok asked me and I sighed.

"I'll get Yoongi started first, and then when he's done with classes- since he's older- I'll get you enrolled."

"Cool, hey Tae- why are you eating like Jungkook?" The said boy looked up from his plate and over at Hoseok, who was looking between him and the youngest.

They both had food covering most of their faces, some on their shirts, and then the table was messy in front of them. Taehyung gulped and then put his silverware down.

"Shaopritrity." He looked at the newcomer and then to me, getting up and running to his room.

Just as he left, Yoongi and Jimin were coming back. Yoongi looked bothered while Jimin was smiling wide.

I'll ask about it later when Youngjae and Yugyeom leave.

"Hoseokie, I'll take you driving sometime in the future. I know this place where teens hang out and it's like a club but it's instead candies and sodas. Yoongi, you could come too!"

"I think I've heard of that. I remember writing​ a check to some teens to help get it started." Youngjae gasped at my words.

"Really! That is so cool!"

"How come we haven't been then appa!"

I shrugged. "Never got around to it."

"You know, I could take you after my shift next Monday."

"Oh, you're working?" Youngjae nodded.

"I sweep at Icy MinMin's and clean the tables." He licked his lips and looked at his food. "This is really good."

"That's cool, Yoongi used to love that place but now he prefers eating at Sweet Grills, he loves the steaks there." The conversation continued, us getting to know Youngjae and vise versa. But Youngjae didn't seem to want to talk much and Yugyeom gave his brother a lot of side eye.

When the dinner was over and done with, Youngjae offered to help clean but we dismissed the idea."Oh Mr. Kim, this was one of the best meals that I've ever had. Although I do not like cucumber I enjoyed it today."

"Thank you Mr. Kim's." Yugyeom smiled sweetly and then hugged Jungkook. "Bye..." he whispered something that u didn't catch into the little one's ear which made him laugh.

"Bye Bye Oppa."

"You are so sweet Youngjae, I'd love to cook for you guys again." Jin smiled nicely.

"I have to go, Appa is expecting me home soon if I stay any longer he'd file a missing person report for the both of us." He looked at Hoseok and Yoongi. "Wanna walk me out Hoseokie?" They shared a weird look that Yoongi wasn't apart of. What are they up to?

Yoongi rolled his eyes as his younger brother stood up. "I'll start with the dishes." He stood up and tripped, shoes tied together. He heard the two laughing and then sighed, smiling. "Idiots."

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