Chapter 23

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Everyday the two oldest would come to my house, Yoongi or Hoseok would sometimes come alone when they want to talk one on one. But other than that we have fun together, the three of us.

I tried to come up with a plan to where I could see all of the kids but sometimes the younger ones want their appa, so I keep the oldest.

Right now I have Yoongi, who's writing in a journal I bought him. "What if we weren't rich? And I mean the richest people in Korea. Would we still have each other?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...I read that kids that haven't been in school for over a month could get taken away...appa owns Korea basically so that's why we're still with him right? If someone takes us they will be in jail or something right?"

"Well...I don't know how all that works, but I do know that your appa would fight for you either way, rich or not." Yoongi smiled.

"That's the answer I was waiting to hear." He started writing again and humming a song.

"So Yoongi, anything you like on TV? Favorite music or book series?" He showed me his notebook and put his pen on a little sketch.

"I like this bear. He's cute but he's badas- he's cool. His fur is black and I want his cheeks to be rosy. I came up with him myself. Right now I'm writing about him." He showed me his notes on the bear and I found it to be adorable. "He's really huggable."

"Oh that's nice, I didn't know you were so creative. He's really cool though, totally." I laughed a bit. "Any other interests?"

"I like rap, its the best way to listen to music. I remember before Jackson left appa they used to have rap battles and have us judge them. Then he showed me some famous rappers like Zico and Yezi" I listened to his little rant, watching his hand motions and seeing how passionate he is about it. When he finally stopped talking I saw that his notebook was closed as he wanted the conversation to continue more.

"Do you like to rap?" He shook his head no and giggled.

"I'm not any good."

"Awe don't say that child, you're still young. Nobody is born with their skills, they have to practice." He nodded. "Let me here you." His eyes widened as he shook is head.

"Oh no, not now please." He covered his face and his his head down on his knees.

"Yes now! Its just me and you I'll even rap!"

"You will? Are you any good?"

"Sure I am!"

I started rapping to a song I heard on the radio and he began to laugh really hard, still in his little ball on the floor hiding from embarrassment. I was red in the face due to lack of oxygen when I finally stopped. Another reason I stopped is because I didn't know the rest of the words.

"I'm good right?"

"Very, very good." He stood up and wiped a few tears, walking back to his seat and sighing.

"Ooh, My friend is coming over for your brother. Hoseok."

"What's wrong with him, he is quieter. Is he upset still because of what happened? I forgave him so he can go back to bring happy now." Yoongi had his eyebrows furrowed and looked really confused.

"Its not that, its something else. He has a problem but won't tell me. Josh is like a counselor, he'll get it out of him."

"But I'm his hyung, he should tell me first."

"Yoongi...some things people just can't tell even their closest friends and family so easily. He's been struggling with this for a while and I know it. And um, try to believe him more okay? When he is serious, don't ignore that fact. That hurts him when people don't believe him.

"Oh..." I saw him look around and it was a long awkward pause. Then I heard the door opening.

"Guess who's motherfucking here- oh my fucking god!" Joshua fell on the floor at the sight of Yoongi. "Text me when a child is here!"

"That's the counselor? What a joke." Yoongi scoffed and smirked.

"You don't have to be rude you brat!" Yoongi glared but I touched his shoulder and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off as rude." He gave a polite smile and stuck his hand out. "Let's start over the right way, hello I'm Kim Yoongi."

"I'm Joshua, I don't tolerate rude children. But since you apologized and became the bigger person I forgive you." Yoongi smiled wider, a gummy smile.

"Since you're a counselor, will you really help my brother?"

"I-im not a real counselor, I just work with children his age and he was showing signs of depression. I wanted to speak with him and try to help like I help my students."

"Oh, is that why you smell like a dry erase board? I thought you just liked smelling them." He giggled.

"Speaking of, what grade levels do you all need? Where did you leave off and what grade will you be going to next year?"

Yoongi thought for a bit. I answered for him. "Can you just get one book for each grade from second to seventh grade?"

"But I thought they would need the higher grades too? To get them to their right grades?"

"Just those for now, I don't want to overwhelm them."

"What subjects?"

"Um..." I didn't want to get all of them because Namjoon would hate me. I could get the Writing and Maths...maybe even all the Science...that's 28 books holy shit.

"Come on, I got word from each department and they are happy to help Kim Namjoon's children. I'll get them all if you'd like." Joshua almost laughed. "They even alerted the media, everyone wants to know how this turns out." He stopped smiling and gulped. "I'm sure this would be a good idea though...anyways 2nd to 7th grade is a good idea, I'll bring them all as soon as possible."

"But Namjoon would have to pay..." it finally clicked. Would he be okay with that?

"Let your daddy pay man."

"What? He's not his dad? What the f- heck?" Yoongi scrunched his eyebrows but then they almost flew off his face and hit the ceiling. "You really like my appa?! Have you kissed yet? Have you f- did it? Is he pregnant again-wait are you pregnant!?"

(A/N: yes Namjoon has been pregnant. That's where all the boys came from. There wasn't a mother involved, I made it clear that Namjoon has been a switch if not a bottom this whole time. I'm just answering the questions in the comments)

I blushed and put my head down.

"W-we aren't together and I don't like him in any way other than a friend. And getting all the books are fine I guess since he does have the money for it."

"Hm, okay! Now go get my cute little Kookie. I miss the little runt."

"Appa says he can't leave until he takes his meds, he refuses and therefore he can't come outside."

"What meds?"

"To calm him down. He's still young at the heart." Yoongi chuckled lightly.

"Does that mean.."

"Yeah, he is."


You guys tell me what you wanna read from this book, I'm no mind reader and I'm walking closer to a dead end. Won't you show me to a better path?

Ew no I'll go now lmao I'll stop 😂

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