Chapter 19

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"Um, about what just happened-"

"Namjoon, don't think too much about it, you fell on me and we were caught up in the moment." Seokjin put on a believable smile. Inside he was freaking out because he shared a kiss with fucking Kim Namjoon! He was scared how far they would've gone if the youngest didn't walk in. Seokjin held onto his own wrist behind his back out of the other's view. He had that hand down Namjoon's pants. His skin burned where Namjoon had touched, and trust me it was in more than one place.

But externally, he smiled to reassure the older. "Are you sure? I'm sorry I did that, I shouldn't have-"

"It's fine, we're still alive and breathing." The words meant to be a joke came casually out of the younger male's voice. "No harm done, let's not talk about it any further okay?" He then rushed out the room to the children, pretending that nothing happened.

"How was the movie?"



Did he not like the kiss? Did my breath stink? Does he hate me now? I fucked up.

But why did I feel something while we were so close, it felt so stomach felt bubbly and warm, my head a bit I like him? I'm too old for this.

I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair. I need to keep my feelings to myself, we are both adults. This isn't some Fanfiction written by some teenage girl wanting her ship to be real. This is life. Seokjin would never like be back in that way.


"Mr. Seokjinnie! You're really smart! Do you go to school?"

"I used to, years back." I pet the little boy's head. He kept asking questions and was amazed with every answer as I prepared dinner for the boys.

"Ohh, do everybody go to school?"

"Does everyone go to school, little Kookie. And yes, everyone should go to school. It's to get you nice and smart and you could get a good job and make lots of money."

"When I make a lot of money I could buy lamb skewers?"

"Yep, make a lot of money so you could buy all the lamb skewers in the world." Jungkook then pouted.

"But Mr. Seokjinnie, Appa already has all the money in the world, he can buy me lamb skewers."

"Little one, appa is one person. Don't you want to take care of him when he's old and smelly? Only his favorite son should take care of him when he can't anymore."

"Ohh I knew I was his favorite! Appa told you didn't he!" He pronounced Didn't as 'dinnet' which made me smile.

"Of course, he tells me all the time. 'oh my little kookie is so cute and smart. He's my favorite. Have you seen his adorable smile? It's my favorite in the world!' He said that."

Speaking of Namjoon, I hope he was okay. He stormed out the house after telling everyone he wasn't feeling okay. When I offered to help he shrugged and left. Is he upset?

Yoongi had fallen asleep on Hoseok's lap, making the younger fall asleep too since he couldn't move. Taehyung- I mean V- and Jimin were watching another movie. Little Jungkookie wanted to be with me in the kitchen.

Speaking of, after my last comment he had been oddly quiet. I turned to look at him and he wasn't there. "Jungkook?" I looked over the counter to the dining room and he wasn't in sight.

I turned the stove down to a low setting and covered the pot. It was nothing major, just shrimp Alfredo.

"Jungkook, where did you run off to?" Walking back into the living room, Jimin jumped when he saw me. He ended up hitting Hoseok with his shoulder, making him awaken in a startled state and causing Yoongi to fall off of him. Taehyung just watched the domino effect.

"Hataopuv shatardro..." He then looked at me and shook his head.

"Have you guys seen your brother?" They all shook their heads.

"Uh oh, he's planning something." Jimin giggled.

"Planning something?"

"You know, getting into something? Jungkookie is a very curious soul. You don't have anything to climb or get stuck in right?" Hoseok laughed it off though he as half serious.

"Um..." I thought about it.

"Mr. Seokjinnie let's play hide and come find me! I'm not gonna be found cause I'm hiding!" I took off where the voice was coming from and couldn't find the child.

"Little Kookie? Where are you?" I spoke softly, moving slowly. I opened my closet door and looked through my clothes. Next was under my bed, then in the bathroom, in the guest bedroom. I've checked almost everywhere.

I heard him, but where? "Pst, Mr. Seokjinnie." I looked behind me and suddenly Jungkook had jumped into my arms from the top shelf of my hall closet. From the shock, I'd fallen back into the wall and clutched onto the kid.

"Why-how did you get up there?!" He giggled.

"I was looking for a present for appa and I saw how high it was and I wannet to see if I could get up there! And then I got stuck cause I'm scared of heights! But Mr. Seokjinnie's shoulders looked like a big cushion so I jumped!" My eyes were wide.

"Don't do that again okay? Let's finish cooking!" He slid down my arms and gave a cute smile before running off towards the kitchen, me following.

"Ooh! It smells good!" He rocked on the balls of his feet. "When will it be done?" His big eyes met mine.

"Hmm I don't know. Let's taste it." I got the wooden spoon and let the young boy taste it first. He jumped in place holding his mouth and began to fan it.

"Holy sh- oh my gosh my mouth is on fire! I'm melting!" He whined. I popped his arm lightly with the spoon and smiled.

"Hush child, how does it taste?"

"I didn't really taste anything, can I have another bite?" Rolling my eyes, I got the spoon prepared.


"Mr. Seokjinnie is a better cook than granny! Appa will love it!" He covered his mouth. "Oopsie, Jungkookie is supposed to keep that a secret." He 'caught' a bubble and put it in his mouth, staying quiet.

"Wanna stir?" He nodded. I picked him up and he made a mess. But in no time the Alfredo was complete. I'll just have to clean...all the of my stove and floor...

This chapter is boring af I'm sorry I'll try to do better next time 💖

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