Just a little...Rant..

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Okay so first off to the people who want smut, I'm sorry. I don't want to write it and I feel that this story is fine without it. I have a smut book with namjin in it as well as many other ships to satisfy your needs even though my smut isn't that good. Im trying to keep my book at least pg 13, my best friend can't read my books that have smut in them because her mom checks her phone and I would love for someone that I care for to tell me their opinion on my books especially this one since she came up with the plot sorta.

Who would top if there was smut

In every namjin story Namjoon tops, it gets boring. Yeah he's daddy af but what about Jin, Jin is fucking hot he's not some twink and he's not exactly mommy anymore, like bish just look at him in the new MV that ain't no mom that's a whole slice of daddy

But anyways I like the idea of Jin topping, don't get offended when I leave a comment to tell you and don't try to get me to write the smut with Namjoon topping because 'you think it would be better' because like I said the story won't have smut anyways. I'm sorry if this offended anyone.

But why does it matter who tops? The ship isn't real and this is a fan FICTION so I could really write whatever I want and it be real for this story, like all my other stories.

Vote and comment

I'm not fully a thirsty author, I don't leave a comment at the end of every chapter (anymore) telling you to vote. I used to telly readers that if I get a certain amount of votes and comments that I would publish the next chapter. But that was back when I didn't know how to write and I was 12 (to the people who don't know I'll be 16 soon)

But guys. I see some of you voting every other chapter. Why? And I want comments to see how I'm doing, I respond to most of them within the same hour sometimes because other than my school life I do absolutely nothing. I get bored.

Comments and votes motivate me to continue writing therefore if I don't get any I'll most likely never update on time. Remember when I went a month without updating? Yeah, I usually only update when you ask (when I feel like it)

I guess I'm done with this stupid rant, sorry if I offended anyone with the smut bit.

Ooh one more thing lmao

I'm a female, I noticed some comments saying that I was a guy or something and I gave a hint in one of the chapters, saying that this was written by a teenage girl 😂 someone still thought I was a guy but nope I have a taco not a burrito 😅

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