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"Are you sure that's what he was talking about? I mean... what if he meant he heard something else? You were telling me about our wedding plans... and...we kinda discussed my Appa moving in remember that?"

"I know for a fact that Hoseok wouldn't care about that to point out that he heard. I'm the worst father ever." He wiped his tears with the hem of his shirt, I knew for a fact that he'd taken notice to my stare, but he'd chosen to ignore it.

"That's why I'm here." I smiled. He didn't like that joke but I thought I was pretty funny.

"I can't believe he didn't ask any other questions, like...did he even care that much?" So many thoughts ran through his head and I could see if in his eyes. "I mean...wouldn't you? Wouldn't anyone who were told that who they thought was their father all their life...wasn't?"

"I mean yeah," he licked his bottom lip as I continued, " but it isn't much of a big deal. It's just a new fact- nothing to worry about. Hoseok is still Hoseok, you're still his father who'd raised him to be such a bright little boy."

"Appa! Jiminnie smaller!" Jungkook came running, pulling at my shirt and not waiting for me to respond. There won't be a day where I get used to the little ones calling me that. They accepted me as their second father so fast that it was unreal. None of this felt real. Maybe this is just a made up story in the mind of a writer somewhere who has nothing to do with their life.

"Appa?" Jungkook blinked up at me. "The baby, he cry." He tugged at my hand as I stood in place.

"Right." It was a stupid thought. Mr. Youngbae was holding Jimin as he squirmed about and cried, that is until he saw me.

"Come here baby, appa's got you."

"Appa!" His poor little nose was as red as a cherry bomb along with his cheeks, I wanted to kiss it all better.

"What got the baby so worked up?"

"Appa..." he grabbed ahold of my fingers and played with them, my whole hand being the size of three of his combined.

"He dropped his Maui stuffy and it got food on it, I guess he really likes that one. Tae went and got Moana but he didn't want it..."

"Thanks for trying." I smiled at the man. "And um, this may go unspoken and eat away at my brain if I don't say this." His ears perked up as he crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for me to speak. Hoseok does that sometimes, to show that he has all his attention on something. That made me giggle internally. "I will not push you away from this family unless you give me a reason to. I love each boy here with my whole heart and Namjoon is the man that I want to marry. You seem like a cool guy and I'm sorry for what happened in the past, but now that you're back I don't mind having you around- especially now that Hoseok knows the truth."

"Even though I only know Hoseok and Yoongi- since the twins weren't born quite yet when I was around- I'll still be there for the other three, they are the most precious children-"


"Other than my Youngjae, of course." He laughed as Youngjae pouted. "I'll be here for every child in this house, and if we'd met sooner then we'd have been a big family- you and Namjoon...me and Youngjae's Eomma..."

"Here's my number." I unlocked my phone and airdropped it to him, his phone dinging to let me know that he has received it in seconds. "Call me when you wanna hang out, I wanna get to know you better and you gotta show me Namjoon hyung in college."

Youngbae smiled that sweet smile that you couldn't not love. "Of course, anything."

"Appa, diminne seepy."

Parent Needed[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now