Another short that I forgot

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"Napelovelorit dreopnapnaptar kaptartaekapcel monelo!" Taehyung zoomed through the house naked as Seokjin and Namjoon tried to catch him.

"You need to wear clothes in my house young man! I don't care what alien holiday it is we are all human here and we wear clothes!"

Namjoon stopped to catch his breath, Jungkook pouting and pulling at the hem of his shirt. "Appa?"

"No! I can't have two naked children running around! Seokjin you got him right- JUNGKOOK PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK ON!"


"Shelep dray!" Jungkook ran with his shirt hollering and laughing, like Taehyung.

"Hey appa-okay bye." Yoongi walked in and out just as fast. "Jungkook...Taehyung please I'm too old for this."

"Skin day!"

Taehyung finally stopped running and paused. "Tarpoopootar...taehataepesha epesha epemappoorittaetarnaptae taeop monelo...please appa?"

Namjoon sighed and looked at Seokjin. "Tartaelileelorarshatae uvelotareit taehataeloshaelo." Seokjin held up the trousers and Taehyung smiled.

"Skin day!" Namjoon yelled, taking off his shirt and Seokjin followed. They all laughed and Taehyung taught them some of the things to celebrate this holiday. Namjoon had already known a little since it happened every year on this day, but learning again wouldn't hurt.

On Skin Day, you get your belly tattooed with paint or marker into characters or a solid color, being in the nude obvi, and you eat homemade mashed potatoes with nothing added.

Afterwards Taehyung had them chant something easy.

Lile tar v-elo
Lile tar v-elo (elo)

Seeing Taehyung genuinely happy to be around others and sharing what interests him most is what made Namjoon wipe a few tears.

"Stupid dust, it's all over this room."

Seokjin wiped the tear and laughed, hugging the older man and looking back at Taehyung, who was on his 4th potato, humming the chant with every bite and looking around to the other members of his family.

Family, everyone in this room. Well.

"Elovelorityopnapelo elolileshaelo?"

"I was wondering why it was so quiet. I'm sure they're somewhere, we've run out if potatoes V, does this mean this is the end of Skin Day?" Namjoon asked.

"Hmmm...." He held his arms open and waited for a hug. When Namjoon embraced him, he closed his eyes and smiled so wide his face hurt. "Epe lileopvelo yopooey tarpoopootar."

So I was looking over my drafts and I noticed that I forgot this short so I'll publish it now heh heh

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