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"H-Hi Namjoon... long time no see." My father spoke, faking a smile and scratching the back of his neck.

"How..." the man looked down at me after Appa couldn't answer.

"I knew. The whole time. I'm sorry."

"Babe... what's going on?" Mr. Jin came and wrapped a protective arm around his boyfriend. "Hello, Youngbae was it?"

"Hi...I believe we talked on the phone. I'm...I'm Youngjae's Appa."

"Youngbae...y-you...you just disappear one day and then show up at my door...why did you leave? Why did you come back?" A tear. And then another.

"It wasn't me who wanted to leave..."

"Appa? I came to say that I'm sorry for-" Hoseok came down the stairs but froze when he saw us. "Hi Youngjae, Yoongi,...and man." Awkward. Fucking. Silence.

"Hoseok...can you...t-the kids.." Mr Kim struggled to speak, choking on tears.

"Um...I'll take them upstairs." Hoseok said, clueless as to what was going on and instead choosing to leave the adult stuff to the adults.

'No you idiot, this is your Appa.' I wanted to say.

"You do that. Youngbae...who the hell are you and why are you here? What did you do to my Namjoon?"


"I'm Hoseok's father."



I left them to clean up my mess. I just felt so bad, gotta apologize before they get mad at me even more. It's been half an hour and I've spent my time thinking of ways that the situation could have been handled better, as Joshua told me to do when I am upset.

I could have cleaned up before going to bed. I could have cleaned when I woke up instead of just watching movies in my room. I could have told the boys to watch something else.

I could have apologized for the mess and cleaned instead of getting mad about a dumb babysitter.

Maybe I do need one, I can't take care of myself.

I got outta bed and marched to the door, apology sitting on the tip of my tongue.

"I'm sorry for being such a brat. I'll accept any punishment that you give me and I'll take that babysitter if you want."sounds good. "Appa, I was coming to tell you sorry for the way that I was acting, maybe I do need a babysitter, and whatever punishment you're thinking of, I'll take it."

When I walked down the stairs, I heard talking, didn't pay any mind to it. "Appa? I came to say that I'm sorry for-" we have company. Appa stood, crying as he was held by Appa Jin-who was comforting him and glaring at the man at the door. But then all attention was on me. Each pair of eyes showing a different emotion. Appa had some of everything ranging from longing to joy. Appa Seokjin looked pissed but for the most part he looked worried and confused. Yoongi looked scared, so did that man. And Youngjae looked like he was hiding something exciting. He looked so proud that I was curious as to what was happening.

Appa was choking on his own tears, moving his mouth to speak. "Hoseok...can you...t-the kids.." it was quiet, strained, but I understood.

"Um...I'll take them upstairs." I didn't hear anything else as Jungkook, Jimin, and Tae ran up to where I was from behind the couch- where I'd assume they were watching the scene unfold. We made it to my room and I turned the tv on.

"Hyung? Who was that man?"

"I don't know Jiminnie, I think it's Youngjae's Appa. They kinda look alike."

"B-but a-Appa cried w-when he opened the d-door." Taehyung was just as confused as I was. He sat pouting, thinking of ways that he could have hurt our Appa. I wanna go to the dance studio, take my mind off of the conversation downstairs. If that man breaks this family I'll break him.

But what did he do? What didn't he do?


Lies. He's lying.

"Jiyong would never. Stop lying."

"It's true! Appa please listen!" He got my own son to believe this crap!

"Jiyong was the one who was there for me when you weren't."

"It's because of him that I left! He threatened me, Namjoon, he wasn't the nicest and you know that! And I was there for you even before that! When- when he died...I was there for you. I never left you. Why are you taking his side over mine? Namjoon, I miss Hoseok and you more than anything, and I was serious about keeping you as a friend. But all of that happened 14 years ago and it got out of my control."

"Is this true?"

"Appa, he still has the videos of us as babies, and even if you from college."

"Yoongi. You didn't have to say that..." he chuckled, tears in his eyes. Him, Yoongi, and Youngjae sat on one side of the living room as Seokjin and I sat on the other.

"Do you still love my Namjoon?"

"I do...but not in that way. Namjoon was always my friend, from College, but after...we were both weak and...yeah."

"H-how's she?"


"Seulgi. How is she?" His smile flinched and eyes fell to the carpet. I watched as he messed with his fingers, gathering words.

"Eomma died..." Youngjae spoke for him. The words cut like knives.

"I'm so sorry to hear that."

"It's fine, she never wanted us to be unhappy, I do miss her though."

"I have a question." Seokjin spoke up.

"For me?"

"How is Youngjae older than Hoseok if you were with my Namjoon first and then went with her? How does that make sense?"

"How old did he tell you?"

"Youngjae here is 14 years old, he didn't want me finding out that he was Hoseok's brother by doing the math so he lied."

"Sorry Mr. Kim's." He laughed hesitantly. It was quiet, short lived.

"Well...are you hungry? I'm sure you are since it was such a long drive, I could make something real quick."

"Babe." I whispered. We made eye contact for a while, him not speaking and neither am I. No words were needed. We walked into the hallway and he looked me in the eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just... I don't know." I sighed. "How will I tell Hoseok that Jiyong wasn't his Appa?"

"Did you tell him that in the first place?" I shook my head.

"He assumed that since he was too young to remember Youngbae...and he left us alone so I didn't have the heart to tell him that no...Jiyong wasn't his Appa."

"Well, I'm sure he'll be happy to meet him."

"I don't want to just rip the bandage off, can...you help me form a plan?"

"I love plans."


Question. Who should Yoongi's Appa be?

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