Chapter 4

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Adriana Valentine


Joe has to leave today and I feel like crap. I felt him stir, so I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Baby, what are you doing?" I snuggled into his chest and groaned. "I don't want you to go. I'm gonna miss you." He ran his hand through my hair and kissed my head. "I'll be back in a couple of days. I'll definitely be here on Wednesday. You'll see me on Raw tonight." I looked up and he kissed me. "You promise?" He nodded and smiled. "Cross my heart." I gasped and placed my hand on his chest. "I still remember that. I never forgot it." He kissed me again and sat up. "Minty." "You didn't think I was gonna kiss you with a yuck mouth, did you?" I quickly placed my hand back on his waist. He tried to stand up, but I kept him down. "Baby, let me go. I just have to pee." I pouted and kept my arms around his waist. He got out of bed and I held him tight as I hit the floor. He laughed and I groaned as he dragged me to the bathroom. "Babe, let go!" He smirked and bent down to tickle me. "I hate you!" I laughed and jumped back in bed. "I'm gonna miss you, Adriana. I'm gonna call you whenever I can." I heard the sink turn on and I smiled like a goof. "I'm gonna miss you more, baby. I know you're gonna kick ass tonight." I picked up my phone and called my best friend, Catalina. We met a couple of years ago at a photo shoot and we hit it off right away. She's married to Jack Swagger, actually! "Hey, baby girl! You have to come over today! Knox wants to see you." I smiled and sighed. "I'll be able to make it. Joe's flight leaves at 12:45, so I'll come over. I'm sure Jake is leaving around that time, right?" "Actually, he left yesterday. He had some autograph signings in Arizona. I really wanted him to be home, but you know how his schedule can be." I looked at Joe as he brushed his teeth and bit my lip. He's so cute. "Especially when they're super popular and they have to be at, almost, every house show. I'll get over it soon, I guess." "You're gonna get lonely as hell in that big ass bed of yours. Here's some advice, baby. Get a toy." I looked at my drawer and smirked. "I'm one step ahead of you." She laughed loudly and exhaled sharply. "This is why we're best friends. I miss you, girl." "I miss you more, babe. We know Riley misses you." She laughed loudly again and hiccuped. "I'll never forget that day. Jake thought it was hilarious, though. Riley was so embarrassed." My poor nephew. "So, we'll have lunch today? Is that okay?" "Of course. I'll see you later, babe. Love you!" "Love you tooooo!" She made kiss noises and I laughed before hanging up. "Was that Catalina?" He walked out and laid back in bed. "Yeah. She wants to see me today. Knox misses me!" He smiled and kissed my cheek. "I can't wait to have kids with you. I'm sure he or she is gonna be spoiled. You were like that with Riley." I laughed and ran my hand through his hair. "Our kids are gonna be gorgeous if they come out looking like you." He smiled softly and shrugged. "I hope our daughter has your eyes and cute nose." "I hope our son has your perfectly tan skin and your gorgeous face." I kissed him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He's gonna be an amazing family man. I can see it. "I can't wait to marry you. I'm excited about it." "I know you don't have family around here, but you think you can contact them? I can pay for their trip here and back to where they live." He's so caring. I love him so much. "They don't care about me. I'll call them, but I'm sure they aren't gonna show up." He shook his head and rubbed my arm. "Babe, don't worry. If they don't want to be there, then that's their loss. I don't understand how people can be so mean for no reason." "Because of my dad. He isolated us from them by having us move to here. I miss Ohio." I felt my heart break over the memories flooding my brain. Getting abused everyday after school, having to perform sexual acts on my dad's friends, and getting raped every night by my dad. It was terrible. "I never told you about my dad." He nodded and furrowed his eye brows. "Don't leave me after I tell you this. Please." He kissed my lips to reassure me. "When I was thirteen, I was forced to give my dad's buddies-" I exhaled sharply and bit my lip. "Handjobs." He gasped and wiped the tears from my eyes. "That's not all. He would abuse me, and only me, everyday after school. I would be the first one home, so that gave him the opportunity to beat me and touch me. He started raping me when I turned fourteen. My mom knew, but she wanted to make him happy. So, she let him do it." I sucked in air sharply and rubbed his hand. "I'm sorry about not telling you. I was afraid of losing you." He looked down and shook his head. "I got pregnant after you left for Georgia. By his friend. I had a miscarriage at six weeks. I had to put volleyball on hold and it sucked. My mom knew, but she never said anything. My dad left us back in 2010 and I haven't seen him since he attacked my mom. I can't believe I put up with that for fifteen years. Fortunately, he didn't mess with Ava." He kissed me softly and kept his forehead on mine. "I will never leave you again. I'm sorry that you went through that. I love you so much and the thought of someone hurting you just pisses me off." I pushed his hair back and admired his facial structure. "Joe, you're absolutely gorgeous. It's killing me." He smiled and rolled on me. He kissed my neck and I moaned as I ran my fingers along his back. "I want you right now. But, you have to leave soon." I sighed and he got up to get in the shower. "I'm gonna join you." I jumped up and walked into the bathroom to get the shower started. "No shower sex until we're completely finished washing." He stepped in and I scoffed. "Well, you're no fun, Joe." He raised his eye brow and I stepped in, pulling him in for a kiss. "Fuck, you're so sexy." He pushed me against the wall and lifted me up, swiftly pushing inside of me.


After two rounds of shower sex, we got out and put our clothes on. I wore ripped jeans, a simple black t-shirt, a olive green leather jacket, and black scarf with pink skulls along with my black toms. He wore jeans, a black v-neck, and sperries. Must I say, he looks so hot in that tight shirt. He walked up behind me and snapped a necklace on me. I looked at it and I smiled to myself. "It's beautiful." It was an Open Heart necklace, by Jane Seymour. "I got it yesterday. I knew you would love it." "I had one before. I placed it in my mom's casket before they closed it. I got it for Christmas last year." I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Thank you, baby. This means so much to me." He kissed me and ran his hand down my side. "Just for you, I'm going natural today." He smiled proudly and kissed my forehead. "You look radiant and your hair is so pretty." I smiled and rubbed his cheek. "Thanks, sweetheart. Are you ready?" He nodded and looked over at his bag. "I don't want to go. Maybe you and Riley can join me this weekend?" I nodded eagerly and kissed him. I let go and walked to Riley's room. "Hey, buddy. We're about to go." He grabbed his gym bag and gave me a hug before walking out. "You look pretty, Adriana." I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Thanks, sweetheart." We walked out to the car and waited for Joe. "Is his car staying here or what?" "Yeah, he's coming back on Wednesday. It's gonna stay here." Joe walked out and closed the door behind him. "Are we ready?" I nodded and kissed him before getting in. Riley sat in the back and put on his Beats. Once Joe got in, I looked over at him and pouted. "Don't be sad, babe. I'll call you once I land." He squeezed my knee and turned the car on. There was a peaceful silence on the way to Riley's school. I glanced at him every other minute and I tried not to cry. I'm really gonna miss him. "I don't know how I'm gonna sleep tonight. I guess I'll read or stay at Catalina's." "Aw, babe. You're gonna be okay. These two days are fly by so quick." He stopped and Riley patted Joe's shoulder before getting out. "See you later, man. Have a safe trip and tell your partners that I can't wait to meet them." "I got you, man. Look after your aunt." He nodded and ran into the building. Joe squeezed my hand pulled off. "That's a good kid. He has a passion for wrestling, too. He told me he wants to be like Kevin." I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, he loves Kevin. They're so close." "I want Riley to know that I'm here now. His dad abandoned him and that isn't right. Family means everything to me." "He's excited about us. I've never seen him so happy before. He wants us to have a bunch of kids, because he doesn't have siblings. Ava didn't even want him from the beginning, but I begged her to keep him. I can't wait until she gets back, but I do want to keep Riley. Once she gets back, she's gonna get fucked up all the time, because she's a fucking drunk. She's gonna leave Riley in that house with strange men and I don't like that shit. One night, Riley called me and he was crying so hard about his mom. She didn't have a care in the world about him. Not until I got full custody of him." "You're the perfect example of a mother figure in his life. You make him stronger and you make him want to get better at everything he does. You're gonna be a great mother! I can't wait." I felt my eyes welling up, so I fanned my face. He laughed and kissed my hand. "I love you, Adriana." "I love you more, Joe." I sighed as he parked the car and got out. He opened the door for me and pulled me out carefully. He placed his hands on my face and kissed me. "I'm gonna miss you. I'll be watching from home, naked as hell." I bit my lip and squeezed his butt. "I'm kidding, I'll have on clothes." He laughed and kissed me again. "I love you, baby. Keep my side of the bed warm for me. When I get back, we're gonna have endless sex. In the bed, on the floor, in the bathroom. Wherever you want." I nodded and kissed him passionately. He got his bag from the trunk and stepped to me again. He gave me one last kiss and sighed before stepping to the entrance of the airport. "I love you, Joe!" I called out and smiled sadly before he said, "I love you more." I sighed and walked to the driver's side. "Adriana! I'm here!" I froze and felt tears forming in my eyes. God, please help me out.

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