Too many tears

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One word to describe a whole household.

Everyone that lived there cried, people who didn't live there, cried for those who did.

One person cried so much she would have drowned in her tears.

It was all too sad.

It was all too much.

There was too many tears.

Draco Malfoy, the head of the house, sat on his bed, the one he used to share with the love of his life, and thought back to the day this world was ripped in half.


"Your dad, he broke out of Azkaban, and he- um- he kidnapped Hermione. A-a- and k-k-killed Laura"

This was when Draco broke. Tears streaming down his face and knelt to the ground.

He screamed her name.

Hoping she would walk up behind him. Hoping she would hug him and comfort him.

"You're lying!" He said through gritted teeth. Sadly Ron Weasley had shook his head.

"I'm sorry mate, truly. I know how much you loved her."

"I'll kill him!"


That was the last thing he remembered. Now he wasn't sure, he didn't know if he wanted to kill his own father, the one who gave him life, who gave him hell, made him strong, thinking about it now. He didn't. All he did was push Draco to be something he didn't want to be.

Something Draco vowed never to do to his children, his children, when was the last time she saw them, hugged them, told them it was alright.

When was the last time he walked out of his bedroom?

When was the last time he slept, ate, did anything except cry?

He didn't know, but he planned on finding out. He slowly stood from the bed and opened the big brown door.

He walked to the stairs and down to the kitchen, where he heard noise. He trudged through, feeling like a ghost.

He was pretty sure he looked like one too. Eyes red and puffy, dark circles making him look beat up, the slow walk, his lips sealed to a frown.

"Draco," his old nemesis said when he walked in. "Sit down." Harry Potter instructed, pulling out a chair. He gladly did has he was told.

"What's the date?" He asked.

"The 31st of August. Kids go back to Hogwarts tomorrow." Ginny said from beside him.

"The kids, where are they?"

"Draco it's 6am. They're asleep." Harry said, putting a mug of butterbeer in front of him.

"Oh, when they wake up tell them that I need to speak to them. I'll be in my study." With that he got up and slowly walked out the room again.

Harry and Ginny exchange glances. Worried ones. That's when Ron came in. He sat down next to his sister and smile a weak smile.

3 weeks and nothing, they hadn't found Hermione yet. But Ron wouldn't give up hope.

"Do you want some butterbeer?" Harry asked, taking a sip from his mug. Ron shook his head. "Draco got up today, his in his study." Ron grunted.

"Is he speaking?"


"It's a start, I feel terrible, the curse was aimed at Hermione but when the chandelier fell I pushed Laura out the way of one death into another. Right into the line of Avada Kadavra." There was the sound of glass shattering behind them.

They whipped round to see Draco. " you saved her, chandeliers are worse. More glass. Thank you, at least it was-sob- at least it was relatively painless." He said.

Ginny saw the tears brewing in the corner of Draco's eyes so she stood up. She walked over and hugged him. He hugged her back. He cried into her shoulder as Ron and Harry looked on in sadness.

They blamed themselves. They should have saved everyone. No more lives lost. That's what Harry told himself after the war. Looks like he was wrong.

Attacked by a Death Eater that escaped from Azkaban? That means war. Another damn war. Harry silently hoped they find Lucius, kill him and save Hermione. One long lost life.

That is if Hermione was still alive. But everyone held onto the last sliver of hope, for hope is a very powerful thing.

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