Meeting with Mcgonigall

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After the kids got on the train Draco and Harry apparated to the school. Mcgonigall was waiting for them.

"Ahh Mr Malfoy, do come in." She smiled. Draco Returned the smile. "Mr Potter nice to see you again." Harry smiled before leaving to get his class ready.

"Ha- Mr Potter told me you would like to talk to me." Draco said. Mcgonigall nodded.

"Yes, we are in need of someone to teach the flying and be the Slytherin head of house." She explained. He smiled wider.

"I would love to but I don't have a teaching degree." She smirked at him.

"Can I tell you a secret, neither do I or Harry, neither does Neville." They spoke about the details and before they knew it the train was arriving.

They waited in the great hall while everyone filed in. Draco saw Bella and Lily come in. Then Aidan. Harry stood next to the Gryffindor table while Draco stood next to the Slytherin table.

Soon the first years came in and he saw Hugo. Both him and Harry gave an encouraging smile as he walked up to the stool.

The sorting hat was put on his head, "GYFFINDOR". It shouted. He walked to the table next to his father and sat with a boy he must have met on the train.

Soon dinner appeared. Harry and Draco sat next to each other with the other two head of houses and talked about quidditch.

Bella and Lily were talking about when Bella was younger. Mostly about Draco but would occasionally mention Laura but not much.

They walked back to their common room and sat reading, just enjoying each others company. "So you'll never guess what Albus did!" Lily suddenly squealed. Bella jumped when she spoke but smiled.

"What did he do?" She asked, looking up from her book. Lily smiled like an idiot.

"He said that you looked nice in that dress you bought in New York!" She squealed again. Bella tried but failed to hide a blush as she smirked at Lily.

"Really?" She asked. Lily nodded.

"I will need to be having a word with him then." A voice said from behind them. They snapped around to see Draco.

"D-d-dad he-hey." He just smirked and looked at the clock.

"It's 11 o'clock why are you girls still awake?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at the two of them. They apologised and walked to their dorm.

Draco laughed and walked out of the common room.

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