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"Sooo, Scorpy-" Bella started. She had walked over to the Gryffindor table and stood next to her brother for almost 5 minutes before he rolled his eyes and followed her out into the hall.

"Don't call me that Belly." He said. Calling her 'Belly' in retaliation.

"Don't call me that." She replied, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, why were you alone at the ball?"

"I didn't want to go with anyone. Can I go back to Albus now?" He answered too quickly for her likening.

"No. You didn't want to go with anyone, except Rose Weasley!" She said, smiling. His face fell in confusion so she continued. "You were staring at her and Albus dancing all night you idiot! You were jealous of Albus because he was dancing with the love of your life!" He shook his head. She gave him a look that their mother used to give them when she wanted to know something.

"Don't give me that look. That's what mum did! And it was annoying! Anyway I wasn't jealous of Albus." He took in a deep breath like he was going to say something else but shut his mouth. She just looked at him expectedly. "IwasjealousofRose." He spat out really fast.

"Care to say that again?" She said, folding her arms. He took another deep breath before saying it slower.

"I was jealous of Rose." She had to think for a moment before she caught on.

"Because she was dancing with the love of your life." Her smile grew as he shut his eyes. Expecting her to shout at him, slap him, run away shouting down the halls that he was gay. "Oh Scorp. Why didn't you say anything before?" She squealed before hugging him tight. He opened his eyes and hugged her back.

"I thought you'd hate me. I know dad will." He frowned and pulled away from her. "I know he'll say I'm a disgrace to the Malfoy name and turn me out of the house."

"Okay, who do you think our father is? Lucius? You know we mean too much to him for him to even think of doing that!" Bella said.

"It's true. Your dad wouldn't do that." Harry's voice came from behind Scorpius. He turned around and turn a shade of deep red that stood out so much on his pale cheeks. "I won't tell a soul. Especially Albus. Anyway, she's dating my other son!"

"We aren't actually dating. We just went to a dance together. As friends." Harry and Scorpius snorted a laugh and she glared. "JUST FRIENDS!" She shouted before walking back into the hall to Lily and Sophia who were looking at a letter in Sophia's hand. "What's that?"

"A howler. I'm assuming it's from my mum." Sophia said. "I can't open it here. Can we go somewhere else?"

"Me and Bella's dorm. We have the only pair dorm. No one else comes in. Just us two." Lily said. It's true. All the other dorms were in sixes. They got to be a pair because reasons.

"Okay, let's go." Sophia said, standing up before she could tell herself it was a bad idea to open it. Bella and Lily followed her as she speed walked to the dungeons.

When the got into the dorm Sophia sat on Bella's bed next to Bella and Lily was on her own bed. "On three." Bella said.

"1" Sophia.

"2" Lily.

"3" Bella.

And the envelope was opened.


Oops. I'm sorry. Actually no I'm not sorry. I'M EVIL. 😈😈😈😈😈🖤🖤🖤

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