Always green eyes

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That day was Saturday, so Bella and Lily walked to Draco's quarters and found Harry, Scorpius and James there. James smiled at Bella but instead of smiling back she coldly looked away and to her dad.

"What is it girls? Draco asked. Lily want and sat down next to James and Bella next to Scorpius.

"The stone." Lily said and Harry pulled it out his pocket. "Bella said she felt pain when it wasn't in her hand or near her. And that once she held it she was under a trance." Harry thought for a moment before leaning over and placing the stone on Bella's arm. It burned her.

She let out a soft scream as it burned through her skin and Harry retracted it. "It's the resurrection stone. But why does it hurt her and no one else?"

"Because it was cursed." A weak voice came from the door everyone turned around to see Narcissa leaning against the doorframe. Her hair all over the place and dark circles under her eyes. Her eyes. They had almost no colour in them at all, they had always been a light blue but now they held nothing. Not even a glimpse of light.

"What are you doing here?" Draco stood up and pulled her in, before slamming the door. His eyes softened when tears formed in Narcissa's eyes. "Sit down." He said and she sat on the small sofa.

"I came to tell you the truth." She said. She turned and looked at Bella. "He wants you Bella. He wants you to join him and the other Death Eaters that remain. He cursed that stone so that it would hurt you and only you. He wanted you to hurt the people around you. So that he could come when you're alone and most vulnerable, claiming he can make you happy." She looked back at Draco. "I promise I tried to stop him. I didn't mean for anyone to get killed. Please Draco, please forgive me?"

He sighed and knelt down beside her. He took one look in her dim eyes and broke down crying. "I missed you mother." He said as she hugged him. He turned to Scorpius and Bella, beckoning them over. "Mother, this is my son Scorpius and daughter Bella... Bella Narcissa." He finished. Almost instantly the colour returned to her eyes.

"She's named after me?" She croaked. Draco nodded.

"And one of Laura's sisters, Bella. Well I suppose Bellatrix was in my mind when she was born but not directly. His middle name is Hyperion." He replied. Scorpius looked proud and Bella but back a laugh.

"I hate to break up this family reunion." Severus Snape's voice came from one of the paintings Draco had. "But it seems like your meeting has been neglected." He droned.

"Why are you even here Sev? How do I know you won't go reporting to Lucius?" Draco said. Snape frowned (no surprise there) and rolled his eyes.

"Like I would do that! Lucius is dead to me." Snape continued. Bella heard Harry laugh and then whisper something to Lily. "What was that Potter?"

"I said that it was more likely the other way around. You're dead to not just Lucius but every living person." Harry smirked and everyone laughed. Bella had almost forgotten that James was here until she saw him staring at her.

"Snape's right. We do have to figure out what to do with that stone." Bella said, standing up. "Like why does it hurt now and not before when I held it in my hand?"

"I like you." Snape said, causing everyone to look at him is shock. "She gets to the point. And doesn't waste time making foolish jokes about the dead!"

Bella laughed way too hard at that and only calmed herself when Lily hit her with the back of her hand. "Sorry." She said. "So... the stone?"

Narcissa stood up. "Lucius cursed it so that only Bella would be affected by it, however the curse had a downside, if the stone was taken away from Bella by another, then it would burn or cause serious harm should it come into contact with her again. She can never touch that stone again. And please for god sake. Try not and let Lucia into your dreams. He'll only make your life a living hell."

"I believe I know someone who is surprisingly good at Occlumency." Snape's painting said. Everyone looked up at him as he looked at Harry. "My lessons paid off. He managed to get The Dark Lord out of his head. I'm sure he can teach you to get a simple Malfoy out of yours."

"Simple Malfoy?" Draco scoffed. "Simple? We're anything but simple!"

"Oh I know. I am your godfather, remember? And one more thing, Potter. Your parents say hi and that they're disappointed that you names your son after me. I am slightly honoured. And you still and always will have your mother's eyes. She's proud of you." He finished, a small smile crept over his lips before he left, probably going to another frame in another part of the school.

"What was that about?" James spoke up. Harry shook his head smiling.

"He loves that word doesn't he?" No one knew what he was talking about?"

"What word Harry?"


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