Not a dream

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Draco had sat by Bella's bed for 3 days now and there's been no change. "One more day," they said "one more day with no change and we have no choice but to send her to St Mungos." He replayed that in his head until he fell asleep.

Only to be woken with a start. He looked at the hand on his shoulder. He knew that hand. "So peaceful isn't she?" He dared not look up.

Lucius walked around at sat at the other side of the bed. "Get put of here!" Draco growled. Lucius shook his head, laughing.

"I'm here to get her better. She's no use to me like this, is she?" Draco scowled. "She obviously has to be awake so she can join me."

"She's not going anywhere with you!" He stood up. "I'm dreaming! Get out of my head!" Lucius stood too. Standing taller than Draco.

"You're not dreaming. This isn't a dream."

"You're lying!" He lightly pinched the skin on his wrist. Nothing happened. He pinches harder. Still nothing. He looked around and started breathing heavily.

Then he remembered. "Where's Hermione? What do you want with my daughter?"

"Well I can't answer the first one but the second, well, you see Bella is very powerful." He smiled. "I want her to be on our side.  And I will get her."

"What do you mean 'our side'?" Draco slowly took out his wand and saw Lucius doing the same.

"I mean that your mother and I think she would be a lovely addition to the Death Eater family."

"Lies! Mother never wanted me to do that! She lied to him about Harry's death!" Draco screamed.

Little did either of them know that Harry was past. He stepped in, wand drawn and stood beside Draco.

"Get out of here mr Malfoy!" He spat sarcastically. Lucius growled. 

"I suppose I could leave you here, hopelessly wondering, will we ever find the mudblood?" He sneered.

"Don't call her a mudblood!" Draco shouted. He shot a spell straight at Lucius and knocked him backwards.

In retaliation Lucius shot up and pointed his wand at Bella. In a split second he shouted; "Ambustio!"

He deliberately missed her but disintegrated her bed. Causing her to fall on the floor with a thump. She remained asleep.

When the boys were busy tending to her Lucius left, again in his black smoke that was known for the Death Eaters.

"Crap, crap, crap!" Draco yelled at nothing in particular. "He said my mother! My mother! She wouldn't! She couldn't!" He paced around a bit before Harry shouted his name.

He turned round and saw Bella sitting up, holding her neck. She was breathing on her own for the first time in days. She was awake.

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