Just dreaming... I hope

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Bella woke up before Lily. Way before she was supposed to. She looked around her and saw her room back home. Confused, she walked downstairs and into the main hall.

The whole house was black and there was cackling. There stood her great aunt Bellatrix, her name sake. But she was dead. 

"Bella dear, come here." Her long fingers stretched out and Bella took her hand. She was lead forward to where Lucius and Narcissa stood.

"You are so beautiful." Narcissa said, lightly touching her cheek, making her flinch. "Don't be scared, we're not here to hurt you." She said softly.

"No, not hurt you, we are her to recruit you." Lucius said.

"What's going on? She's dead!" Bella tried to keep calm but her heart was racing. "You are supposed to be in Azkaban."

"Bella, Bella, Bella, don't you ever think that because I was put there, that I would stay." Lucius said, stepping forward. "As for what is happening, you are being recruited."

"By you?" Bella scoffed. "Like I'm going anywhere with you!" She was sure she saw Narcissa smirk.

"Think about it. You are one of the most powerful Malfoys who has ever lived." Lucius held his hand out. Bella looked down at it. Something made her want to take it.

She slowly raised her hand, she didn't know why but she wanted to be powerful. That's when Draco and Harry ran in.

"Bella!" Draco yelled. "Don't!" She smiled when she was them. "Don't take his hand! It's just a dream!" She didn't listen, she took Lucius' hand.

"BELLA!" That's what woke her up. It was Lily standing over her, her hands on her shoulders.

"Wha- what's going on?" Bella said.

"You were whispering in your sleep. What were you dreaming about?" Bella shook her head. Had she really thought about joining the man who killed her mother?"

"Uh my mum." She lied. Lily didn't question it after that and walked away. Then Bella remembered she had to get dressed.

Once she was dressed her and Lily walked down to the great hall. When she saw her dad she smiled at him. He smiled a weak smile back and she became concerned. She went up to him.

"What's wrong dad?" He shook his head and looked at her with worry and love laced in his eyes.

"Just promise me that you will never ever go with Lucius." He said. She went back to the Slytherin table and sat next to Lily. But she couldn't eat.

All she could think about was her dream. It seemed so real. And what Draco had said, it made her think that he knew about the dream. Or did he have the same one? Maybe.

These thoughts stopped her from thinking straight. The whole day she was thinking about it. During DADA she was daydreaming so much she ended up getting a detention. Much to Harry's disappointment.

That's pretty much what the rest of the week was like. She kept having the same dream every night. Each time it was a follow on of the night before. One night she dreamt she had Harry in the dungeons of Malfoy Manor.

That was the last time she could bear it. That's when she decided to tell someone. Just who should she tell? Her dad had enough problems. Harry too. She could tell Mcgonigall but then Mcgonigall would end up telling Draco. She had to risk it. She had to tell someone. So she did.

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