Dress shopping

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Saturday night was the ball and that morning Draco organised a trip to Hogsmeade with Bella, Lily, Starla, Rose and Lucy, one of Starla's friends.

They were walking around hogsmeade when Draco told them they could go off on their own but they must be in pairs or more. No one is allowed to be alone and that they have to meet outside Honeydukes at 2.

All the girls agreed and walked off. They all decided to walk around a bit before finding a dress shop. They had an array of different coloured dresses in the window.

Lily and Bella were walking around the shop together talking about what Draco had said to Harry the day before and what it meant.

Suddenly Bella stopped. She stared, open mouthed at 4 dresses on mannequins. One red, one green, one blue and one yellow. Underneath was a plaque that said, "Hogwarts house dresses."

Bella looked at the dark green one. It one strap behind the neck and silver gems around the waist. Next to it was a stand with a snake bracelet and a emerald pendant necklace.

She bought it and some silver shoes before helping Lily pick hers.

Lily got a black sequined dress and a gold and black bracelet. She said she would wear the necklace with her name one it she got for Christmas.

After that they found the others and saw they had all gotten their dresses.

Lucy's was a black sleeveless dress with yellow trimmings, gold glittery shoes, a rainbow flower necklace and a rainbow bracelet.

Starla got a navy dress, navy flats, a star and moon necklace and a star bracelet. Finally Rose got a dark red dress with roses printed on it, light pink flats, a rose bracelet and was going to wear her infinity necklace with her name on.

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When they got back to Draco he was standing scowling, Scorpius next to him

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When they got back to Draco he was standing scowling, Scorpius next to him. When he saw them he glared and pulled out a pocket watch. He looked at it, then back at them and raised an eyebrow.

"It's 3:30, where have you been?" Scorpius laughed and received a glare from both his dad and sister. "When I say 2pm. I mean 2pm. Not 3, not half past 3, 2."

"Sorry dad."

"Sorry Mr Malfoy"

He grunted and led them back to school. Bella wondered if he knew who she was going with. She decided not to tell him invade he locked her in her room and didn't let her go.

She supposed it could be someone he hates, at least he knows he can trust James.  She said all this to Lily and she told her not to be afraid.

Later on they were getting changed into their outfits and doing their makeup when Draco came in.

He knocked on the door and said through it. "Are you girls decent?" Bella shouted back "Yes" and he came in.

"You two look beautiful. Your dates are going to be stunned speechless." He smiled. Bella blushed and turned away, looking into the mirror, trying to fix her hair into a fishtail pleat. "Do you even know how to do that?" Draco asked.

She smiled. "Yes, mum taught me." She said, not realising what she'd said until she saw Draco frown. She finally succeeded, tied it up and went to hug him. "I'm sorry dad." She said.

"It's ok Bel, you should be allowed to talk about her. She is your mother." He replied. Lily came over and put her hand on Draco's shoulder.

There was a knock on the door and Hugo came in. "Lily are you ready to go?" Bella started to laugh.

"I honestly can't believe your going to a ball with your cousin. Albus too." Lily glared at her. And Draco smirked.

"You're the one going with your best friend's brother." Bella gasped and looked at Draco. He raised an eyebrow at her.


"James Sirius Potter at you're service." That boy Siriusly has perfect timing. (I'm not sorry). Bella sighed.

"You better treat her well young man. Or I will hunt you down and skin you alive. More fun than the killing curse." Draco threatened. Bella's smile faded and looked at him.

"Dad I thought we promised to never say those words again." She said. He frowned and looked at her.

"You're right. I'm sorry. James she's all yours. On second thought, stay in my sight, all night!" Bella smirked and they left, followed by Lily and Hugo, then Draco.

They met up with Starla and Stephan (the Ravenclaw), Lucy and her date and Albus and Rose. Scorpius was lurking by the door, staring sadly at Albus and Rose. Was he jealous of Albus? Did he like Rose?

Bella intended to find out by the night was over. She smiled at him and beckoned him over. He shook his head as she was pulled into the room by Lily, who was smiling like an idiot.

"You're the only one who has a date that isn't related to them. Go dance with him. He's waiting at the bottom of the stairs." She said. Bella nodded and stood at the top. Everyone looked up at her and she began to walk down, right into James' waiting hand.

"Care to dance?"

"I would love to."

That was longer than I intended. Oh well.

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