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I sigh under my breath as my bus pulls up, and I get on, sitting in my spot. I put my earbuds in and begin to play music, blocking everyone out, and gazing out the window.
A new song plays, as my mind drifts off, allowing me to daydream. But that gets interrupted when my phone vibrates in my hands. I look at it, and notice I received a new message.
I unlock my phone and pull up the message.
Jackie: Hey! It's Jackie. Just wanted to make sure I had the right number ^^
I smile lightly and message her back.
Me: Yeah, you've got the right number. It's me Lucy. :)
My thumb hovers over the send button, this being my first message sent to a friend. I press 'send' and lock my phone again, resuming looking out the window.
A few moments later my phone vibrates again. I look down at it, and open the message.
Jackie: okay cool. Wanted to make sure you didn't give me a fake number or anything, lol.
Me: nope, it's Lucy. Lol
I continue listening to music, messaging Jackie the whole way home. I get off the bus, and walk to my home, unlocking the door and walking in.
'It's almost four and mom gets home at six. So I should have about an hour before I need to start cleaning.' I think to myself, as I go to my room and get on my computer, pulling up YouTube. I sit and watch my favorite YouTuber while texting Jackie.
Jackie: so what's up?
Me: not much, just watching YouTube, what about you?
Jackie: same here actually :)
I smile lightly, and continue messaging her while watching my computer.
An hour later and it's five, meaning I have to clean before mom gets home.
Me: Hey I'll talk to you later. I have to go clean.
Jackie: okay luc, talk to you later
I smile at the nickname Jackie gives me, then set my phone down, cleaning my room first, then moving on to the rest of the house.
I clean for roughly forty minutes when I finally finish cleaning. I quickly go to my room and pick up my phone, quickly unlocking it.
Me: Hey Jackie, I'm done cleaning now.
Jackie: sweet, now we can talk more. Lol
I lay down on my bed, while texting her.
Eventually my mom walks in the door, smiling at me.
"Hey Lucy! How was school?" She asks, smiling at me.
I climb out of bed, and walk into the kitchen where she is. "It was good. I made a new friend and we have been texting each other a lot." I smile shyly, and look down.
My mom smiles brightly, "You did? That's fantastic! What's her name?"
"It's Jackie." I look back up and get myself a drink.
"That's great you finally made a friend!" My mom says, smiling.
I nod in agreement, both of us knowing Jackie's my first friend I have had in a while.

~Hey guys, so I just wanted to say that the girl at the top of the page is Jackie ^~^ so carry on now~

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