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I smiled at Jackie, as she smiled back down at me.
'I'm so lucky I have someone like her in my life now.
I'm so glad she's here.
I can't believe she even loves me.'
My mind began swirling with all of these thoughts as I stared into her eyes, frowning a bit.
I guess she noticed and asked me what's wrong.
"It's nothing, I'm just surprised that you love me is all." I mutter quietly, as she grips my hand tightly.
"Babe, I will always love you. From the second I saw you I knew you had to be mine."
I chuckled lightly, and stared at her. "Really?"
She nodded and smiled, running one of her hands through my hair gently, "Really."
I smiled and felt a few tears begin to prick my eyes, I tried to blink them away, not wanting to have Jackie see me cry again. She just smiled, and wiped them away, kiss my forehead.
"You must be tired, huh?" She asked, resting her hand on my cheek.
I nodded and smiled a bit, "Yeah. Just a little though."
She just nodded, and shook her head a bit, "Then you should probably sleep then. Don't you think?"
I chuckled lightly and sighed, "Maybe. But I want to stay up with you." I whined quietly.
She smiled sadly, and looked at me, "Just go to sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up. Okay?"
I nodded, and smiled, before slowly closing my eyes.
~a few hours later~
I woke up, and squinted a bit, looking around for Jackie. I quickly saw her sat in a chair by my bed, her head laying on the side of the bed. She seemed happy to be sleeping I suppose.
I looked around for my phone and saw it on the bedside table thing. I picked it up and opened it, seeing what time it was.
I sighed and went through my social media that not many people knew I had.
I scoffed as I saw people from my school saying how "Sorry" they were for what happened to me, and that they wished I got better soon.
"Yeah, but if you would have said something I wouldn't be fucking laying here now would I?" I muttered to myself, shaking my head and continued scrolling.
I looked over at Jackie a few times, smiling at her. At least she had said something. If she wouldn't have I probably would have had much worse things going on right now.
I sat my phone down, and decided to go back to sleep for a little while, seeing as it was late.
~in the morning~
I woke up to someone gently shaking me. I groaned and opened my eyes, seeing who it was.
It was Jackie, which I wasn't really surprised to see it was. She smiled and looked at me with bright eyes.
"Luc, you get to go home today." She giggled, and gripped my hand.
I smiled a bit, still groggy from sleeping. "That's good," I mumbled.
She nodded and smiled, "I know!" I chuckled and shook my head, sitting up a bit, the pain in my side not as bad as it was yesterday.
Jackie helped me sit up, looking at me with a bit of concern.
"Jackie, I'm fine." I chuckled lightly, as she looked at me.
"Are you sure babe? I just don't want you to hurt yourself by trying to do things by yourself." She rambled a bit.
I smiled and gripped her hand, "I'm okay, I promise."
She sighed and looked at me, still obviously worried.
"Whatever you say sweetheart. Anyways, how did you sleep?"
I shrugged and looked at her, "Okay I guess, these hospital beds aren't the most comfortable things on Earth. How did you sleep?"
She chuckled a bit and smiled, "I slept alright, my back hurts a bit, but I slept okay." She smiled lightly.
~a few hours later~
We finally made it home, Jackie helped me in as her mother opened the door. Jackie helped me to her room, and gently sat me on her bed. I smiled at her and shook my head, "Jackie, I could have walked by myself."
"I know, but the doctor said if you try to do a lot of things you could rip your stitches back open. So I just wanted to make sure-"
"I'm going to be fine Jackie, don't worry." I interrupted her, grabbing her hand.
She sighed and nodded, "Sorry, I lied, I didn't sleep very well in the hospital last night. So I'm really tired." She chuckled quietly, and looked at me.
I sighed and scooted myself over on the bed so I could lay down, patting the spot besides be for Jackie to come and lay down.
"Well, you should probably sleep then, huh?"
She nodded and got in bed besides me, laying so she was facing me.
"Goodnight Lucy, I love you." She sighed quietly.
"Goodnight Jackie, I love you too. Sleep good."
And with that she quickly fell asleep, and so did I.

Smol authors note:
Originally I was going to name the chapter 'Sleep' but then I realized I already named one of the other chapters 'Sleep' so I kinda had to make a different name up so ye.
               ~The Author

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