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I walk to my room, trying to avoid conversation with anyone. Since my mother was having guests over and I wasn't much of a "people person."
I reached my room, going inside and shutting the door gently behind me. As soon as I did my phone vibrated. I smiled and unlocked my phone, knowing it was Jackie.
Jackie: Hey luc, I was wondering if you would want to stay the night tonight? My parents are home but they wouldn't care if you came over.
My face flushed lightly for some reason, as I messaged her back.
Me: um, I'm not sure. I'll have to go ask. But I'm sure my mom won't mind. :)
I quickly went out of my room and found my mom talking to some guy. I shyly walked up to her and asked if I could stay the night at Jackie's and she happily approved. Probably proud of me for finally getting out of the house for once.
Rushing up to my room, I grabbed my phone out, and quickly messaged Jackie.
Me: hey, my mom said I can stay the night!
I quickly rushed around my room, grabbing clothes and things I would need for a sleepover. Jackie messaged me back asking for my address, I quickly responded and she said she was on her way now.
After I finished packing, I hopped down the stairs, and told my mom bye, as I saw Jackie pull up. I quickly went out the door and into Jackie's moms car.
"Hey Luc! Are you excited to stay the night?!" She asked giddily.
I smiled lightly and nodded, "Yeah, it's my first sleepover so I wasn't sure what to bring." Jackie nodded as if understanding, as her mom pulled away from my house and made the way to her's.
We eventually arrived at Jackie's house. I glance up at it and smile. It's adorable. It is the perfect size for Jackie and her mother. Jackie smiles and leads me inside, taking me directly to her room. She shuts the door behind me and I smile awkwardly at her, not sure what to do.
"This is your first sleepover, huh?"
I nod shyly, feeling a bit flustered by the new house. Jackie seems to notices and motions for me to sit down. I take up the offer and sit on her bed. It's quite comfortable actually. I lay my hands in my lap and glance around the room. The walls were a nice peach colour, she had a couple of posters, a Panic! At the Disco one (which I highly approved of), a simple one of a bright yellow tulip, and a wolf poster. I smiled, and looked at her bedsheets, they were just a plain black, with silver trim along the edges.
Jackie seemed to notice me looking across her room, since she shifted slightly. "Your room is nice, I like the posters." I smiled, and nodded towards her posters. She blushed lightly and nodded, I guess that meant thanks.
"So, Luc, what do you want to do?"
I shrugged, not really sure myself. "I'm not really sure. Do you have anything in mind?" I looked up at her from my spot on the bed, Jackie flushed lightly and smiled a crooked smile, "We could tell secrets to each other?"

~hey guys, sorry, me again, the picture at the top is supposed to be Jackie, and Lucy. Even though it doesn't look like yeah...bye! ^~^

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