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                                           ****WARNING- minor lemon up ahead****

A few weeks later, I was still at Jackie's house. Happily able to say I'm dating her. I hadn't had any contact from my mother which isn't much of a shock. My "room" at Jackie's place basically became a room where I kept clothes and a few other things. I mainly stayed in Jackie's room.
We just got back from school, and went to her room to do her homework when she started to squirm a bit. I looked over at her puzzled.
"Jackie? You okay?" I looked over at her. Both of us sitting by each other on her bed.
She simply nodded, and blushed lightly.
"No you're not. Tell me what's wrong." I scooted my homework to the side, turning to face her completely.
"I don't know... I just... nevermind."
I looked at her worried, placing a hand on her arm. "Jackie, please. Tell me."
She turned and looked at me, her face bright pink.
"Luc. I love you. And I just... It's been a while since we... ya know."
My eyebrows furrowed almost instantly, my brain not connecting what she was saying.
Then my brain out two and two together.
"Oh." I looked down, my cheeks turning pink.
Jackie furrowed her eyebrows, seemingly trying to make a decision. Then suddenly, she kissed me. Kind of harshly actually.
My eyes widened in surprise, looking at her as she slowly lowered me down on my back.
She pulled away and looked at me.
"Sorry Luc. It's just been a while since we've kissed and I just."
I smiled and cupped her cheeks, looking up at her. "It's okay."
Jackie smiled, and leaned down, kissing me gently this time.
I quickly kissed her back, my cheeks burning.
Jackie sat back, and pulled me up onto her lap, kissing me once again.
I wrapped my arms loosely around her neck, smiling as she put her hands on my waist.
Jackie parted from me, her cheeks a bright, fire truck red.
She smirked lightly, and leaned down a bit, kissing the crook of my neck.
I gasped lightly, and looked at her. "Jackie? What are you doing?"
She looked at me and smirked, not answering my question as she began kissing my neck again.
I squirmed on her lap a bit, gasping lightly when she gently nibbled on my neck. I placed my hands on her chest, pushing her away a bit. But she didn't move, she bite down on my neck harder, earning a squeak from me.
"Jackie. Stop. Please?" I whimpered, looking at her. She looked at me and smirked again, shoving me backwards, and pinning my hands above my head.
"Not right now sweetheart." She purred into my ear, making me shiver.
Jackie kissed me again, then leading a trail down to my collar bone, as she took her free hand, and began running it under my shirt.
"Jackie, please. Stop." I squeaked, as she gripped my side with her cold hands.
She kissed and nibbled on my collarbone, definitely leaving a bruise. I tried to pull my grip from her hand, but I couldn't. She was much more stronger than me.
Jackie slid her hand up my back, toying with the clip for my bra.
"Jackie..." My eyes started to water slightly, as I tried to push her away with my legs. She didn't budge at all.
A few tears started to leak out of my eyes, and down my cheeks, as I looked at her.
She must have noticed, because she looked up, her face red, and her eyes dusted with lust.
I shivered under her, looking away. "Lucy. You're not enjoying this?" She snapped lightly.
I shook my head, my bottom lip trembling lightly.
Jackie sighed, and got off of me, watching me as I sat up. She seemed irritated.
"Jackie, I'm sorry. I'm just not re-"
"I don't care. Just. Leave me alone for a while." She muttered, shoving me out the door.
Slamming the door behind me.
I woke up with a jump, causing Jackie to look at me.
My breath was harsh and slightly ragged.
"Lucy? Babe? You alright?"
I suddenly realized where I was.
Curled up in Jackie's arms, with my head nuzzled against her chest.  I looked up at her, her eyes wide with worry. I sighed.
"Yeah. Just... a bad dream." I muttered, smiling lightly.
Jackie nodded and kissed the top of my head.
"Alright. As long as you're okay."
I smiled, of course that was a dream. Jackie would never make me do anything I wasn't comfortable with.
Or at least I don't think she would.


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