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Jackie blushes lightly and slowly smiles at me, "Are you serious?" She whispers quietly.
I nod shyly, blushing brightly. She then quickly wraps her arms around me, pressing me tightly to her. I'm slightly shocked by the action, but slowly hug her back.
Jackie slowly pulls away, looking at me. She obviously wanted to continue hugging me. I smile, and kiss her cheek gently. Jackie blushes brightly, staring at me.
I shyly look away, staring at her floor. She smiles, and gently hooks her pointer finger under my chin, making me face her.
"You know. Since we like each other...would you want to be my girlfriend? I know we haven't really known each other for very long but I feel like I've known you forever." Jackie smiled lightly after saying this.
I blush and nod, "O-okay. I will happily be your girlfriend."
Jackie excitedly smiles and hugs me tightly. Tighter than last time for sure.
I slowly try to hug her back, but my lungs feel like balloons about to pop. So I poke her back, and she pulls away as I gasp quietly for air.
"Sorry, I just got excited." Her smile turns almost crooked. I nod and wave slightly.
"It's okay."
She blushes lightly, and looks away from me. "Hey, so uh...since we're girlfriends you care if I do this?"
I tilt my head slightly and smile, "Do what?"
She quickly places her lips on mine, them fitting together perfectly, like puzzle pieces.
Before I get the chance to even process what happened she pulls away, blushing deeply. "That." She smirks lightly.
I blush a bright red, most likely looking like a tomato or a fire truck. "I-I don't mind..."
Jackie smiles eagerly and kisses me again, this time giving me a chance to kiss back. In which I happily do.
A few hours later Jackie and I are sitting on her bed, watching Netflix on her laptop. I'm sitting right against her, my head laying on her chest, with her arm around me. I smile and nuzzle her lightly.
I feel her arm tense up slightly, as she pauses the movie. I look up at her questioningly. She looks down at me, obviously slightly worried. "What's wrong?" I ask, and sit up.
"Are your parents homophobic?" She asks quickly, looking down.
I look down slightly, not really even sure if my mom was or not. I purse my lips and huff out slightly. "I...uh, I don't really know."
Jackie smiles and looks at me, "Well ask when you go back home tomorrow, okay?"
I nod, as she motions for me to lay back down. I quickly do, and wrap my arms around her. Not aware of me slowly drifting to sleep.

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