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Hey guys!
So I wanted to say thank you guys for reading my book!
I also wanted to say I'm sorry for the last chapter.
It was fucking terrible 😂
But, I put it there because I figured maybe it would be a good twist type thing in the story????
But I also won't be updating the story as much, obviously.
I have been having a bit of writers block recently because I'm in journalism and that's taking all of my writing-type focus thing
So I can't really process what I want to write,
Like I know how I want the story, I know what to write, and how to get it there, I just????
I don't know how to put it on here???
So anyways, thanks again for reading, and I promise I will try to update as often as I can
                       ~The Author
  ((PS: Sorry for two Authors notes pretty much directly in a row, my bad frends))

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