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I blush slightly, nodding slowly. "Uh, sure. I guess..." I watch her as she sits down besides me, her curly hair bouncing in the most perfect wa- wait. Why am I thinking like that? Never mind that thought...
Jackie giggles quietly and quirks a brow, "Hey, you alright? You seem a bit red."
As soon as she says that I feel my face and tips of my ears burning. I smile awkwardly and nod, "Y-yeah. I'm fine."
Jackie nods, and shifts slightly, trying to get comfortable. "So, do you have a crush on anyone?" She immediately asks.
I look down slightly, pursing my lips a bit. I hadn't really thought about having feelings for someone else. So I guess I didn't like anyone?
" I don't think I do anyways..." I trail off, looking down.
I hear Jackie gasp quietly, making me look up. "How do you not like anyone?! You are in a high school crawling with cute bo- or wait. Are you into girls?" She smirks, and wiggles her eyebrows slightly.
I blush brighter, not sure how to respond. I don't think I like girls? Or maybe I do? "I-I'm not really sure.." I look down, not wanting to make eye contact anymore.
"Come on Luc! You have to like someone!" She giggles and shoves me lightly, my black bangs slipping in front of my face. I quickly push them back a bit, and look at her. "But I don't know if I like anyone. I've never even had a friend until now." I gesture towards her.
As the words process in her head, she frowns lightly at me. "Oh, Lucy. I didn't know. I thought you had other friends..." She says quietly.
I shrug, and look at the grey carpet. "I'm pretty anti-social, so when you came up to me and talked with me I thought it was a dare...but apparently it wasn't.." I smile lightly, blinking a few tears back.
Then, next thing I know, warm arms are wrapped tightly around me.
A small tear runs its way down my pale cheek, as I go to wipe it, someone else's hands beat me too it. "Lucy, I wanted to talk to you because I thought you were..uh..." She pressed her lips together, stumbling a little over her words.
"I thought you were...cute.." Jackie blushes looking down.
My eyes widen as my brain tries to process what I'm hearing. 'So, she. Thought I was, cute?' I look at her, my cheeks growing a brighter shade of red by the second.
Jackie looks up into my eyes, instantly making eye contact, her hand resting lovingly on my cheek, "And now that I know you more, and know how sweet of a person you really are....I think I may you.." She breathed the last part out, as if a weight was lifted away from her.
My jaw went slack, dropping slightly. Jackie smirked, and hooked her thumb under my chin, making me regain control over my jaw.
My thoughts finally clear, and I blush. Realizing, hey, I did have a crush, and the person I'm crushing on just said she liked me! I slowly smile at her.
"I like you too Jackie."

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