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Jackie and I sit on my bed with her laptop watching Dan and Phil play Undertale. We smile and laugh watching the two.
"Lucy, you are okay with staying here right?" She asks suddenly, pausing the video.
I look at her and tilt my head, "Of course I am. Why?"
Jackie smiles sadly and shakes her head, "I just want you to feel safe. Now that I know with what you have been living with..." She trails off, a few tears falling down her cheeks.
I gently shut her laptop and push it off of her lap. I sit up and move so I'm sitting on her thighs. "Jackie, it will be okay from here on."
She smiles and pulls me into a hug, making me lean forward.
I feel Jackie kiss the top of my head. "Let me know if you're ever uncomfortable or upset with anything. Okay?"
Smiling, I nod, and kiss her cheek. "Okay. I will."
Jackie blushes lightly, and turns my head, kissing me. I smile, and look at her, she was so beautiful. How did she even like someone like me?
I layer my head on her chest as she wrapped her arms around me, sighing contently.
Without realizing it I slowly drifted to sleep in the warmth of her arms.
A few hours later I woke up, seeing that Jackie had somehow managed to push me off of her, laying me down on my bed and covering me up. How? I'm a light sleeper, so how did she do all of this without waking me?
My thoughts got interrupted by a small knock, then Jackie walking in. "Hey sleepy head." She muttered quietly, and layer down besides me in the bed.
"You're a heavy sleeper you know that?"
I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head lightly, "Not really. I never have been before."
"Maybe it's because you feel safer here. So your body can fully go to sleep for a while."
I nod, that seeming to be a good reason as to why I slept heavily for the first time since dad left.
"What time is it?" I asked, rubbing my eyes slightly.
"It's around 9:30" She smiles, and lays her hand comfortingly on my cheek.
I nuzzle into it gently, looking at her with tired eyes. Jackie smiles, and pulls the covers up to my neck, as she slips under the covers as well.
I quickly scoot towards her, laying my head against her chest, as she wraps her arms around me.
Slowly, but surely, I'm slowly dosing off again in Jackie's arms.

After a while I slowly wake back up, looking around. Jackie isn't there. I sit up quickly, and get out of bed, going out of my door and to Jackie's room, thankfully seeing her in there, on her computer.
I walk up and smile sadly, my heart racing.
"Luc? You okay?" She asks as she shuts her laptop, setting it to the side.
I nod, unable to talk as Jackie smiles and pats her lap. I quickly take the small offer and sit on her, laying my head against her.
"You scared me... I didn't know where you went." I mutter, as I play with a small wrinkle on her shirt.
"I will never leave you, I just wanted to come in here so you could rest better."
I frown slightly and look at her, "But I sleep better with you."
Jackie smiles, and raises her eyebrows slightly, "Really?"
I nod shyly, blushing. She smirks slightly, and looks at me. "Well, I'll sleep with you tomorrow night then. But for now I think you should sleep in your room by yourself."
Nodding I get up, and head back to my room, "Okay." I sigh, and look back at her, pouting slightly. She rolls her eyes and beckons for me to come back over to her, "Fine. You can stay in here tonight I guess."
I smile widely and run back to the bed, sliding under the covers and looking up at her.
"I love you." I mutter quietly, smiling.
"I love you too. Now go to sleep, it's three in the morning and we have school."
I nod, and curl up a bit, "You should sleep to then."
She nods and lays down, pulling me against her.
Both of us quickly falling asleep.

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