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I sighed as the school day finally ended. My ribs still were insanely sore, and I just wanted to go home and lay down. The nurse asked me if I was sure I was okay. I told her I was but honestly, my ribs felt like they were snapped in half. They couldn't have been though, considering if they were I'd probably be collapsed on the floor, feeling like I was dying.
Jackie and I walked in the house, going to her room. I sat down and clutched my side, breathing heavily.
"Lucy? Are you alright?" Jackie asked, quickly sitting next to me. I whimpered and shook my head, squeezing my eyes shut. The pain was so immense now. My whole side felt like it was on fire.
I gasped for air, my vision suddenly blurring again. Jackie snapped her fingers in front of my face, "Lucy! Hey!"
My eyes lazily looked over too her as the pain in my side began to subside. Jackie's expression quickly turned to panic as she went to her doorway and screamed out of it for her mom.
My vision slowly winked out as I saw Jackie's mom rush in, and scoop me up, making me go limp in her arms.
I slowly woke back up in a hospital bed. I blinked and looked around, slowly realizing I had an oxygen mask on.
Soon enough a doctor came in, smiling lightly.
"Hi Lucy. How are you feeling?"
I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at her. I didn't feel anything at the moment.
Hell, I couldn't even move.
I grunted, my vocal cords not seeming to work.
The doctor nodded, as if that was expected.
"You probably won't be able to talk or move really because you had to have an emergency surgery."
My eyes widened, and I stared at her. The hell did she mean by that?!
"Whenever you got kicked, it seemed to land right where your appendix was. Well, your appendix already needed to come out, but that kick caused it to almost burst."
I blankly looked at the wall, my mind swimming with thoughts. One stuck out in particular, where was Jackie?
I looked around, my eyes darting around the room, then finally Jackie walked in. I smiled and looked at her. She walked over to me quickly, and kneeled by my side, grabbing my hand in hers, rubbing her thumbs across my knuckles. Her cheeks were red and tear stained. I frowned and moved my arm barely, resting my hand on her cheek. She sniffled lightly and leaned into my hand, the doctor left, smiling warmly at us.
"Oh my god Lucy. You scared the shit out of me." She chuckled sadly, and smiled lightly.
I smiled lightly, tears pricking the corners of my eyes. Seeing her upset made my heart feel like it was getting shredded apart. I hated seeing her so upset.
"I love you..." I managed to scratch out, my voice being raspy as hell.
Jackie smiled lightly, "I love you too."

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