Chapter 5

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The scent was mild and indistinctive, even when the two wolfbloods were as close as possible to the den without venturing into it. By now, most of the light in the sky had gone, making it even harder to detect what was inside. If they left it any longer, things could get dangerous.

Jana had this thought in the back of her mind as she continued to sniff around, glancing at the clock on her phone an increasing amount of times. It was almost nine.

She sighed loudly and straightened up. She felt annoyed at herself for not being able to detect anything else, it was like she was loosing her wild wolfblood abilities. Maybe it would be better to give up now and leave these strays in peace.

A strike of panic hit the wolfblood when she felt an arm around her shoulder, until she remembered who was with her. She flashed her boyfriend a small smile, despite the urge to completely loose it. there was something...odd. Something...not right about this whole situation. She felt like the scent was so unbelievably obvious, but at the same time it was barely even there. It was a mystery, but also strangely familiar. And it angered her.

"Can we just, give it a few more minutes?" She asked, hoping that Matei wouldn't mind staying out a bit longer.

He smiled "sure"

He gave his girlfriend a comforting hug before settling himself down on a fallen tree branch . He patted the space next to him, indicating for Jana to sit down. She did.

"So, what do we do now?"

"We wait" Jana replied solemnly "until we see something"


Several minutes of comfortable silence had passed, but nothing in their curcumstances had changed. The pair were still sitting there, occasionally sniffing the night air, waiting for something to emerge. They couldn't stay there for much longer.

Matei watched his breath take form of mist in the chilly air in front of him. It was getting increacingly cold, and he could see Jana shivering slightly out of the corner of his eye. He decided it would be better to start a conversation.

"Hey Jana, you never answerd my question earlier"

"What question?"

"You know, I asked you what it was like in Stoneybridge"

Matei couldn't see Jana very well, but he could sense her tense up in the moonlight. He was confused, why did this happen whenever he mentioned Stoneybridge?

"Well, it's like Newcastle I guess. Only, you know, smaller. Quite a bit smaller"

The dark haired boy laughed quietly at his girlfriend's response. She was so cute when she was nervous.
"Cool. And what about your friends?"

"My friends?"

"Yeah, what about Maddy and Rhydian?"

"Oh, yeah" Jana sighed sadly and looked down at her hands "We were really good friends, especially me and Rhydian. He was the one who first showed me what human life was like. He looked out for me at school, and I looked out for him in the wild."

"Sounds great"

"And then they both left; first Maddy, and then Rhydian."

"Oh. That doesn't sound so great"

Jana smiled slightly "But it's okay. I moved to the city, made new friends, got a good job, and I met you"

She nudged Matei playfully and he could help but laugh out loud. However the two suddenly stopped when something could be heard not so far away. Jana indicated to Matei to keep low to the ground, as they continued to observe the entrance to the den.

In the dim moonlight, the two hiding wolfbloods could make out a small, prowling shadow emerge from the den, soon followed by another slightly larger shadow. Whoever these wolfbloods were, they were in wolf form, about to go hunting.

"Jana, we need to do something" Matei hissed "They'll pick up our scent, they'll know we're here!"

"Okay, okay. Follow me"

Within seconds, Jana and Matei had both transformed, and were waiting in the near distance, waiting for the time to attack.

Author's note

Whoo I typed up a whole chapter in one night! Sorry if this chapter has loads of typos because I have a lot of work to do and it's half past ten in the evening!

Please please vote and comment telling me what you think so far and weather you think I'm doing a good job. And I'll see you soon xxx

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