Chapter 15

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The Kafe had closed by the time Selina and Jana had got back from the police station. However, the lights in the flat above were on, and the two could smell the presence of Maddy, Rhydian and Katrina within.

"They're staying with me and Katrina for the next full moon, then they're going to head back to Stoneybridge." Jana explained as she tried to find her keys, "I couldn't let them stay in the den with all this attention."

"How come they were in Canada?" Selina asked.

"Oh, um, that's sort of a long story" Jana replied with an uneasy laugh. She opened the door and the pair made their way through the dark cafe and up into the flat.

Before Jana could open the door to the flat it was pulled open from the other side, revealing a distressed-looking Katrina, Maddy and Rhydian.

"Oh goodness, are you guys ok? Do you want a hot drink? I'll make a pot of tea" Katrina said hurriedly, escorting Jana and Selina into the living area.

"Thanks, Katrina, that would be great" Jana replied warmly. She and Selina settled down on one of the chic sofas, Maddy and Rhydian sitting opposite at the breakfast bar.

"We're sorry to hear about what happened," Maddy said to Selina, who was still slightly uneasy.

"Yeah, it's not your fault. The police are just paranoid, like everyone else." Rhydian added.

"Thank you. And I'm sorry for the first impression." Selina said apologetically.

"Don't worry about it. I think we've learnt by now that first encounters aren't always accurate." Rhydian said with a smile.

"Jana stole my clothes" Maddy explained, earning a look of embarrassment from the red-haired alpha.

"And she threw spaghetti all over Jimi, remember?" Katrina added from the kitchen.

Selina laughed, "It's a shame you can't stay in Newcastle longer, it would be nice to have some new faces around. Besides, we need all the wolfblood support we can get here."

"You've got Jana, how much more support do you need?" Rhydian asked.

"Here we are!" Katrina interrupted, placing a tray of four mugs and a teapot on the coffee table. This was followed by a plate of freshly-baked cookies, the smell of which made each of the wolfbloods practically drool with hunger. Katrina wasn't good at a lot of things, timing being one of them, but she was an incredible baker.

"Actually, Katrina," Selina began, "I think I might head home. I'm sure my parents will want to talk to me about last night-"

"Oh, well, let me take you. You guys shouldn't be out alone at this time. Besides, I've got a car, I can drive you home." Katrina said.

Selina hesitated, "You mean...the café van?"

"Yeah, of course!" The human girl replied enthusiastically.

"Katrina's right." Jana added, "We don't know where those people could be, and the last thing we need is another incident like last night." She mouthed a quick sorry to her friend when Katrina's back was turned; there weren't many aspects of the city that still frightened Jana, but Katrina's electric pink car was certainly one of them.

"...Ok." Selina reluctantly agreed, "Thanks, Katrina."

"Not a problem. I'll just get my coat."

Katrina disappeared into her room and- moments later -returned wearing a fur jacket even pinker than the "Team Kafe" van. Jana, Maddy and Rhydian barely managed to contain their laughter as Selina shot them a final pleading look, before being ushered out the flat by Katrina.

"Urgh, what a day!" Jana exclaimed as soon as the door had shut. She flopped back onto the sofa, taking one of the cookies from the plate.

"Is it always like this in the city?" Rhydian asked.

"Mostly, yes." Jana said with a laugh, "Except for the arresting, that's a new one. Oh, you haven't seen TJ, have you?" she asked.

"No, sorry." Rhydian replied, much to Jana's dismay, "Why?"

"Oh, doesn't matter," Jana replied quickly. She couldn't think about TJ right now. She needed a break. And cookies.

"How's Matei?" Maddy asked.

"He's ok, Dr Whitewood says he should be fully recovered in a few days."

At Jana's response, Maddy almost spat out her tea in surprise. "Dr Whitewood? What's she doing helping wolfbloods? "

"She works with Segolia. Well, what's left of it." Jana explained.

"Wow, I guess things really have changed. I mean, Dr Whitewood was the whole reason my family had to leave in the first place. She wanted to expose us all." Maddy said, still a little sceptical.

"It's not like that anymore." Jana reassured her friend, "She's taken care of us, and the wild pack. She even saved my father's life..."

"And she helped us bring down Kincaid when he threatened to turn us all human," Rhydian added.

With the mentioning of Kincaid the room fell silent, with each of the three wolfbloods thinking the same thing.

"What do you think he's up to?" Jana asked, after a while.

"I'm not sure. But it can't be good, especially if he's roping in Segolia." Rhydian replied.

"But why would he do that?" Maddy asked, "Why would he reach out to a company that he has a negative history with? Of all big-money corporations, why them?"

"I don't know. Unless...unless it was the other way round..." Jana said, half to herself.

Maddy looked at her, confused. "What do you mean?"

"What if it was Segolia that reached out to Alex Kincaide? Now that I think about it, they never told us what happened to him after...well, you know. What if he's been working with them all this time?"

"You're right, Jana." Rhydian began, "What he did to you and your pack was all over the global news. And then he just disappears? Only Segolia has the power to do something like that."

The three looked at each other, all with the same thought. Whatever was going on between Kincaid and Segolia, it was only a matter of time before they became involved too, for better or (most probably) worse.

Author's note

So here's my first new chapter, hope you guys enjoyed it! As I said, the upcoming chapters are gonna be quite different from chapters 1-14, because I haven't written anything for this book in over a year.

Please vote if you enjoyed and comment on where you think this story is gonna go. I love hearing all your ideas! 

Next chapter will be up within a week xxx

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