Chapter 11

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By the time Jana and Matei had reached the den, a faint trace of silver was rising up from the horizon, waiting to take it's effect.

As two figures came into view, Matei took hold of his girlfriends' hand. She smiled. Matei must be in a good mood, she thought, which was going to help a lot for what was to come.

Her chest tightened when she remembered the promise she had made to herself earlier that day. It wasn't fair to keep this information from her pack, and it was her basic duty as an alpha to tell them everything. Dispute whatever consequences may occur.

"You okay?" Matei asked. He had noticed how Jana had somehow fallen quiet, ever since he met her after college that day; he just hoped he hadn't done something wrong.

Jana stayed silent, but nodded, hoping to put her boyfriend's mind at rest.

The silence between them became more and more awkward until they reached Maddy and Rhydian, who beamed at Jana with eager faces.

"We thought you weren't coming. You left it a bit late didn't you?" Maddy remarked, pointing at the moon that was steadily rising.

"Not as late as those two" Rhydian replied, nodding towards TJ and Selina, who were half walking, half running towards them.

Matei laughed and let go of Jana's hand to go and talk to his friends. She felt disappointed. She had picked up on a change in his behaviour soon after she resented to tell him the truth about Kincaid.

"Jana, are you and Matei, like, okay at the moment?"

Maddy could only just make out her friends face in the growing darkness, but she heard her sigh heavily.

"I need to tell you guys something. Something really important, and I know Matei's not going to react well"

Maddy and Rhydian looked at each other with concerned faces. But the others joined them before they could say anything, this time with Ollie too.

"Ollie this is Maddy and Rhydian. Guys, this is Ollie. He works for Segolia, well, the good side."

Ollie smiled politely. "A pleasure to meet any friends of Jana's. Anyway, have you told them yet?" He asked Jana, who glared at him with her yellowing eyes.

"What? Told them what?" Matei asked aggressively.

Jana looked at him apologetically before facing her pack. The time had come, and she was not ready for what would come next.

"Look, I know you won't want to hear this but I can't help the truth... Segolia are planning to keep contact with Alex Kincaid"

"What?!" TJ practically exploded "Why? Can't they see that what he did to us is wrong"

"Wrong is an understatement" Selina added "what he did was unforgivable. Not only to us, but to Ollie"

Ollie nodded in response. "I'm not one to wallow in self pity, but Selina's right. I don't know what Segolia are planning with him, but whatever it is, it can't be good."

"If Kincaid's involved, there's never a chance of anything good happening." TJ added, earning a hum of agreement from Ollie.

Matei was standing in-between them, however his attention was focused on Jana, who was standing opposite him.

"Jana, how could you not tell us, or me, about this?"

She started to say something, but Rhydian stepped forward as a sign that he had something to say.

"I think everyone needs to calm down, okay? Alex can't touch us as long as we stay together"

Matei snorted "Was that supposed to be a pep talk? He's smarter than that. If he wants to hunt us down, he won't give up."

"Oh really? So what do you suggest, huh?"

Matei was taken aback, he knew that Rhydian was starting an argument. And he felt more than compelled to join in.

"Don't you think it might be Segolia that's the problem? They're fully aware of his past records; maybe we should be questioning what they're doing rather than Alex, right?" he suggested, turning to Ollie for reassurance.

Ollie raised his eyebrows "Is that really a good idea? Segolia's under a lot of pressure at the moment, and you know that sometimes what they do isn't exactly legal. You don't know how dangerous it could be to dig into their secrets."

"Oh, so you think we should sit here and do nothing?" Rhydian replied angrily.

He turned to Jana "Look, you're the alpha. If I were you I'd get us out of here now. You-out of all people-should know Kincaid is bad news."

Jana shook her head

"No, there's no time" she said, pointing up at the moon, which was now fully above the horizon.

Authors' note

I'm still alive, just drowning a lot in exams and drama coursework (which is really fun -not)

So tension is rising in the pack, who do you think are going to become enemies?

Tell me who you think a good rivalry will be, because I wanna include one soon.

Hope you enjoyed, and keep reading! Xx

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