Chapter 13

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"...okay, well, see you when you get back. Good luck" Rhydian said into his phone. He ended the call and put the device on the kitchen worktop, raising his eyebrows at Maddy.

"Well? What's going on?" she asked.

Rhydian sighed "Matei's resting at home-Dr Whitewood gave him the all clear and said he'd be fine in e few days. Jana and TJ are at the police station, they're asking to speak to Selina."

"Do they know if she's going to be charged?"

"I don't know" Rhydian replied, leaning against the worktop. the two were supposed to begin their journey to Stoneybridge that day, but now it seemed that their original plans may be changed.

Rhydian realised that this was what Maddy was thinking and put an arm round his girlfriend. "I know you're eager to get back, but it seems like Jana could really use our help right now. Also it's not exactly boring here, is it"

She nodded "It's certainly been interesting. It makes you think, maybe Jana hasn't had it as easy as we first thought."

"Yeah, she's definitely not how she used to be. Everything that's been put upon her shoulders, it's made her grow up so quickly. And I can't imagine being apart from her family is helping too much either."

There was a knock on the door to the flat and Katrina poked her top half around the side.

"I don't suppose either of you two have ever worked in a café? It's just that Jana's not here and I badly need someone to help in the kitchen."

The two others looked Katrina up and down. She was covered in flour, missing three of her fake nails, and had even managed to loose one of her false eyelashes. they smiled in sympathy and agreed to help, following Katrina down the stairs.

"You know, it's only when Jana's not here that I realise how much work she does" she said "ever since the secret came out she's barely ever here, and God knows what time she'll be back from the police station today."

"She's juggling a lot of responsibilities at the moment" Rhydian justified "maybe she needs someone there to remind her what's enough"

"Well, Matei's usually around for that. She always manages to knock off when he comes in. But with him being at college and worrying about his sister, it's hard to calm either of them down."

"He has a sister? How come we haven't met her?" Maddy asked.

"Oh she moved away, she lives with Jana's wild pack now. It's a shame, she's so adorable! I loved having her around." Katrina practically squealed.

"Wait, that's it!" Maddy exclaimed "What if Jana takes some time off and goes to visit her old pack? Just for a few days, not like a full holiday. Reconnecting with her roots must have some kind of effect. And I'm sure Matei would want to see his sister."

"We could all go, show her everyone who cares about her, everyone she can trust. She just needs to see that she doesn't have to dump all the work on herself." Rhydian added.

Katrina grinned at the idea. "That's brilliant! Just, as long as I don't have to go. I mean- no offence, but wildies aren't really my thing."


"TJ can you stop pacing? It's not helping!"

The dark-skinned boy stopped what he was doing and sat down next to his alpha.

"Sorry. its just- they wouldn't really charge her, would they?

Jana shrugged. "I honestly don't know, TJ. The police aren't big fans of wolfbloods."

"But it was self defence!" TJ practically shouted to Jana, who just replied with silence. "Jana, it was!"

"Look, we both know Selina. Of course she wouldn't do that if they hadn't provoked her, but the humans don't see it that way. Right now, we just have to hope that we can talk to her before the questioning."

TJ nodded, as a door from the office opened and a police woman approached them.

"Miss Vilkas, Mr Cipriani? Do you wish to talk to your friend before her questioning?"

"Of course" TJ replied immediately "Where is she?"

The police woman said nothing, just escorted the two down a corridor and opened a door for them. On the other side was a bleak room, with only a few posters, three chairs, a table and Selina inside. Jana looked around cautiously before sitting down in one of the spare chairs. There was a camera in one of the corners of the ceiling. she pointed it out to TJ, who nodded subtly as a response.

"You have ten minutes" The woman said simply before closing the door.

The three sat in silence for a moment before being sure that there wasn't anyone listening at the door.

"You okay?" Jana asked Selina.

She shrugged. "I guess. I've got nothing to worry about, right? I mean, they seriously can't charge me, right?"

"Sel it's not that simple" TJ replied "the police are treating this as assault. There were human witnesses who said it was an un-provoked attack."

"What we're trying to say is that we're fighting an uphill battle here. We need to be careful." Jana reminded her.

Selina sighed and crossed her arms. "So what do we do now?"

"Well first of all you can't kick off in your questioning. If you do as much as vein up, it's not going to look good." TJ said.

"Exactly" Jana added. She looked at the girl opposite her. She didn't look very sorry or forgiving. "Look, the sooner we can persuade them that you're innocent, the sooner this will be over. I understand if you're still frustrated, but if the humans are seen as the victims you could be in big trouble."

"Jana's allowed to come in with you if you want. It would be worth having someone there to back you up." TJ added.

Selina nodded slowly and got up from her seat. "Okay. Let's get this over with."

Jana followed her friend out of the room and into the corridor, where the same police woman was waiting. She indicated to follow her down a different corridor, with a disapproving look on her face.

The two girls followed a few steps behind.

"Don't worry" The alpha whispered "We'll be fine."

Author's note

Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed this one. How do you think Selina's questioning will go? all to be revealed in the next chapter!

Please vote and comment if you want, I'm a very easy person to please XD

see you all soon with a new chapter xx

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