Chapter 16

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One week later

Jana smiled as she watched her old friends from the other side of the Kafe. Seeing Maddy and Rhydian again was like having a little piece of home here with her in the city. A symbol of simpler times, when her only worry was what people at school thought about her, rather than the whole world.

The three had spent the last few days touring Newcastle, with Jana showing the other two everything from the ruins to the Segolia headquarters (the latter of which caused an awkward moment of silence). Katrina had let Jana have the week off, in return for her, Maddy and Rhydian helping out in the evenings while Katrina indulged in a "well-earned manicure break".

But now that the week was over, and Maddy and Rhydian were starting to plan their trip back to Stoneybridge, Jana felt a pang of fear as she imagined going back to the chaos that was her life since the secret came out.

"...uh, hello?"

Jana snapped out of her gaze to see a frustrated man waiting impatiently on the other side of the counter. "Oh! Sorry, what was the order?"

"I haven't ordered yet."

"Of course" Jana replied with a small laugh.

The customer rolled his eyes, causing Katrina to intervene.

"Actually, Jana," She began, "Why don't you have a break? I can sort...this." She motioned towards the customer, who was now shaking his head in disbelief.

Jana wanted to growl at him, but Katrina gently pushed her aside.

Jana sighed. She didn't know what was wrong with her today. Sure, her best friends were leaving and she hadn't seen her city pack or Matei for over a week, but...

She sighed even deeper when she realised how naive she had been. She knew exactly why she was miserable.

"You ok?" Rhydian asked her.

Jana smiled and sat opposite her friends. "I'm fine, I just wish you guys could stay a bit longer."

"So do we," Maddy replied.

"Then why don't you?" Jana pleaded, "You could work here, at the Kafe. You're already far better than any of the human employees we've had..."

Maddy laughed. "Well, it's good to know we have a plan B."

"Why not just stay for the next full moon? Imara's working with the local authorities to open up Leazes Park to wolfbloods for transformation."

"Jana, we wish we could, we really do..." Rhydian started.

"Why not?"

Maddy and Rhydian glanced at each other. Maddy reached over and took her boyfriend's hand, holding it in both of hers.

"Its Ceri, Jana." she explained, "She's not well. About two months ago she and Gerwyn decided to go back to the wild. Someone in Stoneybridge leaked that they had a close connection to you, and the press wouldn't leave them alone. Eventually, they found Alric and the wild pack in Snowdonia. But Ceri had been living tame for too long, and she caught pneumonia. Kincaid weakened her immune system when he made her human, and looks pretty serious."

"How serious?" Jana asked quietly, too shocked to say much else.

The other two didn't reply, but Rhydian looked down, trying to hide the tears in his eyes.

"Oh, God. Why didn't she go to a hospital? Or Segolia?" Jana asked.

"They tried to, but the doctors said their treatments wouldn't work on wolfbloods. As for Segolia, Ceri still doesn't trust them. Neither does your father, unsurprisingly." Maddy replied.

"For good reason." Rhydian muttered, "The last time they got involved with Segolia was with Kincaid."

"Why didn't you guys tell me?"

"We didn't want to worry you. You have a purpose here, your pack needs you. The whole wolfblood world needs you." Rhydian said.

"But this is Ceri, Rhydian!" Jana protested, her own eyes beginning to fill with tears, "I know she's your mum, but she's been like a mother to me too. After everything Ceri's done for me, I'm not going to stand by and let her suffer. I'm coming with you."

"Jana, please. We can handle this."

"How? The only people who can help Ceri is Segolia." Jana explained, "Someone needs to persuade her that they're trustworthy. Otherwise, she's going to die."


"Hey! Where have you been? I haven't seen you all week."

TJ sighed. "Take a wild guess."

"Grounded?" Selina asked expectantly.

"Oh yeah, big time" TJ replied, leaning against the lockers in the college hallway, "No phone, home immediately after college. I swear to God, Sel, I'm gonna go insane."

He watched Selina slam her locker door shut and shove the key back into her pocket. "Wow, you look almost as fed-up as I am. How did your parents react to the whole, y'know, arresting thing?"

Selina scowled. "Worse than when they discovered about my attempt at crime-fighting. Something about it just doesn't seem right though. The way the whole thing was just...dropped. And anyway, where the hell were you?"

"What do you mean?"

"When Jana and I left, you'd gone. How come?"

TJ looked around cautiously before leaning in a little closer. "I was waiting in the lobby. Next thing I know, these two wolfblood agents from Segolia come in, give the receptionist some kind of ID card, and I'm told to leave immediately."

"So it had nothing to do with you?" Selina asked.

"No, I swear." TJ protested.

"But if it's Segolia, then it might have something to do with your mum..."

"That's what I thought."

"Then why didn't you ask her?"

TJ laughed, "Are you kidding me? She's angry enough as it is, the last thing I want to do is start snooping around."

"Please, TJ. I need to know. Jana wants to know too. Promise me that you'll ask your mum."

TJ looked at his friend and realised she was right. Selina had a right to know, even if it meant getting into even more trouble than he already was. Besides, he'd chosen between his mum and his pack before; he knew who he'd rather have on his side.

"Okay. I promise."

Author's note

Fun fact: That customer may have been based off someone I had to deal with at work. I love working in retail.

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See you soon with a new chapter xxx

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