Chapter 18

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By midday, the four had reached Stoneybridge, and were slowly trundling down the driveway towards the Smith's house. Rounding the corner, Jana gazed at the large stone cottage, unchanged from the last time she saw it years ago. Inside, she could sense two wolfbloods, one significantly weaker than the other.

The car ground to a halt and Dr Whitewood took the keys out of the ignition, a deafening silence filling the surroundings.

"Let's leave the equipment for now." she suggested, "We can unpack it later."

Jana nodded and got out of the car, giving her limbs a well-needed stretch. Maddy, who had been awake for the last hour of the journey, gently shook Rhydian awake. Once he realised where they were, he shot out of the car and towards the cottage at the end of the driveway.

The front door opened, and a man in his mid-forties with greyish brown hair and stubble appeared.

"Dad!" Rhydian exclaimed, embracing his father. The two spoke quietly for a second, quiet enough for the others not to hear, then headed inside. Jana and Maddy followed, tracing Rhydian and Gerwyn's scent up the stairs and into Maddy's old room.

Inside, Ceri was asleep on a single bed in the corner of the room. She was clearly restless; her brow was sweaty and her face was incredibly pale. Rhydian was next to her, perched on the edge of a chair, softly stroking his mother's messy hair.

"How long has she been like this?" He asked.

"A few weeks. It started when we were with the wild pack." Gerwyn replied, "At first, we thought it was just a bad cold, a reaction to living outdoors. But after a week it got worse, and Alric insisted that we leave and get help."

"Well, we're here to help," Jana replied. She ushered in Dr Whitewood, immediately causing unrest within the room. "Do you remember Becca?"

"Yes, she's from Segolia," Gerwyn said bitterly, stepping between Dr Whitewood and the bed.

"No, this has nothing to do with Segolia. Becca is here alone. You can trust her." Jana insisted. She nodded assuringly at Gerwyn, persuading him to step aside.

"I need to do some tests." Dr Whitewood explained, kneeling beside the bed. "It might take a while, you should wait downstairs."

"I'm staying with my mum." Rhydian protested.

Dr Whitewood nodded. "It's fine, Rhydian. You are welcome to stay."

The other three retired to the living room, not sure what to do to fill the time.

"I think mam and dad put some spare bedding in the attic." Maddy suggested, "It's probably still there."

"I'll get them. You two don't mind sleeping in the den, do you?" Gerwyn asked.

"Of course not" Jana replied. Gerwyn smiled and went back upstairs, leaving the two girls to pace the room. Maddy scanned the bookshelves and mantlepiece for any sign of change; even though it had been years, the smallest of ornaments were still unmoved.

"Back in Stoneybridge, who'd have thought?" Jana sighed, flopping onto a nearby sofa.

"Haven't you missed it?" Maddy asked.

Jana thought for a moment. "I guess I miss how easy everything was." she replied, "At school with you and Rhydian, and Tom and Shannon. No responsibilities, not being the spokesperson for your entire species..."

Maddy sat beside her friend, smiling at the memories from a time when everything was simpler. "Do you think we'll ever get that back?".

Jana shrugged.

"I hope so"


In Newcastle, TJ and Matei had finished college for the day and were walking through the suburbs in silence. TJ glanced at his friend with concern. Matei hadn't said much since TJ told him about Jana, and now he looked even more broody than usual.

"You ok?" TJ finally asked.

Matei shrugged, hands shoved in his coat pockets.

"Look, I know you're annoyed that Jana isn't around, but don't take it out on the messenger," TJ added, trying to generate some laughter.

"Have you heard from her?" Matei asked.

"She texted me an hour ago when they arrived in Stoneybridge." TJ answered, "Hasn't she called you?"


"Huh, she said she would..."

He caught another glance at Matei's face, which was now flooded with worry.

"I'm sure it's nothing. She's probably just busy." TJ quickly added.

"Busy with Rhydian..." Matei mumbled.

TJ stopped walking, staring at Matei in surprise. "Are you jealous?"

"No! I don't know...They just seem to get each other. They've been practically inseparable. And don't tell me you haven't noticed the way they look at each other."

"I mean, Katrina told me they used to have...a bit of a thing..."

"What?!" Matei exclaimed in despair.

"Used to!" TJ re-emphasised, "As in before she moved here and met you! Matei, Rhydian was Jana's first proper friend. He introduced her to the modern world, it's natural for them to feel a close connection. But that doesn't change how she feels about you. Besides, Rhydian's like a brother to her."

"I never thought I'd be getting relationship advice from TJ Cipriani," Matei said half-heartedly. In truth, he was thankful for the reassurance. But it didn't prevent his anxiety that, for all he knew, Jana was planning to stay in Stoneybridge indefinitely.

The pair reached the Cipriani house and TJ, failing to pick up on Matei's concern, said goodbye and sauntered down the driveway. He strolled into the kitchen, passing the readily-packed suitcases for Norway in the corridor.

"Hi mum," he greeted his mother, who was working on her laptop.

"Did Jana arrive alright?" she asked.

"I think so," TJ said indifferently, opening the fridge. He thought about the promise he made to Selina a few days ago. Now seemed like as good a time as any to ask.

"Mum, can I ask you something?"

Imara paused and looked up from her work. "Go on."

"When I was at the police station, people from Segolia were there. Next thing I know, the whole investigation against Selina has been dropped. What did they do?"

Imara gestured for TJ to sit. He obeyed, taking the seat opposite his mother.

"Segolia is moving in a new direction." Imara explained, "What happened with Selina is -unfortunately- not a unique scenario. Wolfbloods all over the world are being denied bail-outs and fair legal representation. That's where Segolia comes in."

"So, like a worldwide wolfblood league of defence?" TJ asked.

Imara chuckled. "In a way, yes. The important thing is that Selina doesn't have to worry about it anymore, and neither do you."

Author's note

Hey everyone! This one took a bit longer to write because I've been planning my imagine.

The next few chapters are gonna be split in half (half in Newcastle, half in Stoneybridge), so I hope you enjoy what's to come!

As always, please vote if you liked it :) xx

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