Chapter 7

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TJ opened the door of the Kafe to be warmly greeted by the usual aromas. Freshly baked brownies, ground coffee, and the scents of two familiar wolfbloods sitting in the corner. Selina and Ollie's  faces perked up as they noticed him standing by the door, and they began to drag over a chair for their friend.

The two had been waiting ever since Selina had called Ollie, saying that something was wrong with Matei and they didn't know where he was, but by now it was drawing close to midnight. The Kafe had closed, and the two could tell that Katrina was not particularly happy with having her evening routine disturbed. A sense of relief came over all three of them as TJ was seen coming through the door, however there was also an element of concern when they noticed there was still no Matei.

"Did you see Jana? She's not back either" Katrina explained, joining the three in the dimly lit corner.

TJ nodded "Yeah. She went to find Matei as soon as I told her"

Katrina nodded in understanding and went back to sorting out various paperwork in her position behind the counter.

Selina looked up from staring into her half empty mug. "Guys, do you think it's possible that he was just missing Emilia too much?"

"Wait, you're not suggesting that he...ran away?"

"He's been without his sister for months" Ollie pointed out "why would he choose go now?"

"I don't know" Selina replied "It's just a thought"

Silence fell upon the three wolfbloods; they were each in their own train of thought, but all wondering the same thing. What if Matei really had gone?

"Anyways" Selina sighed as she began to stand up "I've got to go. Keep me up to date yeah?"

"Where are you going?"

"Where do you think? Home! I've got to be at college early tomorrow, the taekwando coach wants me to show my- I think he called it 'wolfy moves' to the rest of the squad"

Ollie rolled his eyes " 'Wolfy moves'? They don't sound like a very wolfblood friendly person"

"Whatever. He said he's going to help me keep my scholarship,  and I really need that placement."

"Okay okay I get it. Go show them your wolfy moves" Ollie said with a smile.


TJ watched Selina leave the Kafe before turning to face his friend with a grimacing expression.

"Well, at least someone's future hasn't been disturbed"

"Why are you so bitter? You should be happy for her, right?"

"I am! Its just, I was supposed to land a big job at Segolia, and now what?"
TJ slouched in his seat as his worrying thoughts resurfaced. Sure, his mum still worked for the corporation. But now that it was underground, TJ couldn't see them wanting to employ anyone else, let alone a teenage boy who was partially responsible for the collapse of their company.

TJ snapped back to reality when he noticed a phone ringing. He relaxed when he realised it wasn't his own; the last thing he needed right now was lecture from his mum about curfews.

"Yes...of course..okay, bye" Ollie put his phone in his trouser pocket and stood up.
"Sorry, I've got to go. Look, don't give up on Segolia yet, you never know what they're planning"

TJ snorted "You got that right"

After thanking Katrina, Ollie left too, leaving TJ sitting alone at the table. He fumbled with his bag straps, trying to fit his skateboard to the fabric the way he always did.

TJ didn't even notice the bell on the door ring until Katrina let out a gasp and then a very excited scream.

"Oh. My. Goodness! What are you doing here?!"

TJ looked up to see Jana and Matei standing together in the doorway, acompanied by two others who looked around the same age as Jana. Katrina was ecstatic, buzzing and bustling around these two strangers who TJ had never seen before. Frowning, he hauled his bag onto his back and slowly approached the others.

"Hey! Where were you?" He asked Matei

Matei shrugged "I- I didn't feel like it, y'know" He seemed distracted, TJ thought. He wasn't looking him in the eye, and after he spoke he sighed and glanced over at Jana.

TJ nodded, becoming distracted too "...sure. So um, who are they?" He asked, motioning towards the strangers in the room.

Matei sighed yet again "Friends of Jana's. We found them in the woods."

"Oh. Well, I think I'm gonna head out, wanna come?"

Matei took one last look at Jana Before replying with a quiet "sure" and following his friend out of the Kafe.

Jana hadn't even noticed TJ and Matei had left until the sound of the bell on the door distracted her from her excitement. She shrugged to herself, guessing that that they had to get home.


Jana turned around to see Maddy and Rhydian sitting in one of the booths, looking at her expectantly.

"Sorry. So, I'm guessing this 'thing' is pretty important" she started. She joined the others at the table, only to be met with silence. "Guys, what's up?"

Her two old friends looked at eachother with a similar expression.

"It's nothing bad" Rhydian started "well, not anymore, now that we're here"

Jana's eyebrows furrowed "What do you mean?"

Maddy took Rhydian's hand in hers, a way of telling him that she would continue.
"In Canada, when the secret came out, it was crazy. Us and my parents had to move away, but it was the same trouble wherever we went. Mam and dad wanted to stay, but-" she took a deep breath, making Jana even more worried "We've decided to move back here. Well, to Stoneybridge."

Jana breathed out audibly, making the other two laugh.

"You made me so worried! That's great! And I'm sure we could help you some way. Do you need someone to take you there? Katrina has a ca-" Jana stopped herself before she could finish her offer. She remembered Matei's reaction to Katrina's 'Team Kafe' van, and she was certain Maddy and Rhydian's reaction would not be too different.

"Actually" Rhydian began "We were wondering..."


"We were wondering if you wanted to come with us."

Author's note
Heya! I've been on holiday and I couldn't upload anything, however I've managed to write three whole chapters, so you can expect updates soon!
But anyway, what is everyone thinking of series 5??? I REALLY want to know everyone's opinions! What is everyone thinking of Jana and Matei?? I think episode seven left everyone a bit shocked 😁
Also, I apologize if it seems like there's no storyline to this story yet, it's all coming togther soon!
Plz vote and comment, and I will see you soon! xx

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