Chapter 14

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"So, Tell us what happened."

Selina leaned forward and took a deep breath before beginning to explain.

"We were in the woods. They came out of nowhere, chased us and split us up. They had tranquiliser guns and kept threatening us that we would be put in a cage. It made me angry, so I..." she trailed off, taking another deep breath and fiddling with her blue headscarf.

"...I scared them off."

The detective sitting opposite Selina looked down at his notes.

"Who do you mean by 'they'? Do you know who they were?"

"No, no we don't." Selina explained, turning to Jana for support. She nodded, encouraging Selina to continue.

"They had their hoods pulled up, and it was dark. Even if we did know them we couldn't see their faces," She added.

Jana watched the two detectives as they listened to her friend. There was one man and one woman, who were both watching Selina very carefully. They were waiting for her to slip up, to say something close to a confession. Jana looked anxiously at the recorder in the middle of the table. They had to be careful.

"So, for all you know" the male detective said "it could have been anyone?"

Selina shrugged "I guess."

He narrowed his eyes. "That's convenient, don't you think? That you can't give us any detail on their appearance. It almost sounds like you're making it up. Prehaps you attacked an innocent man, and- in order to sound innocent yourself -created a story about being attacked first."

Jana laughed. "That's ridiculous, and you know it."

He simply shrugged. "It's not uncommon, criminals create cover stories all the time."

"Look" Jana said "We're people, just like you! Selina wouldn't attack anyone, neither would any wolfblood."

"That's not exactly true." the female detective interrupted. She presented a piece of paper and held it in front of Selina. "For the recording, I am showing evidence piece number one, a statement given eleven months ago by a man who was attacked by a girl with yellow eyes, who matches the description of Miss Khan."

Selina looked at the writing in horror.

"He was mugging someone! And I didn't even touch him."

"But you admit it was you?"

Selina struggled for words. "I...yeah, it was. But I didn't attack him."

"That's not what the statement says" the man said, pointing to the paper. "So, why don't you tell us what really happened that night?"

"I've told you! He was saying things, they all were. he said that we should be put in a zoo, or were better off extinct."

"And this was before you attacked him?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes! I wouldn't attack someone for no reason!" Selina shouted. Jana nudged her and pointed at her hands. Black veins had begun crawling towards her fingers. Selina immediately put her hands in her lap under the table.

"So, besides an eleven month old statement, what other evidence do you have?" Jana asked. She had recognised the state of her friend was quickly decreasing, and decided to take matters into her own hands.

"Mr Bailey, the man you attacked, is suffering from a broken rib and sprained wrist. Looks like enough evidence to me." The woman said.

Selina turned to Jana, who looked just as speechless as she did. she tried to think of something to say when the door to the small room opened and a police officer stepped in.

"You need to see something. It's urgent."

The two detectives looked at each other and got up from their seats. Selina watched the pair shut the door before turning to her friend, her eyes glazed with tears.

"I can't do this Jana. There's nothing we can say- I'm guilty and they know it." She paused, waiting for Jana to say something. "What do we do?"

Jana shook her head, still staring at the door. "I don't know." she whispered "I don't know."

The two girls sat in silence, each in their own train of thought, neither positive.

Jana heard a loud sniff come from Selina. She turned to see tears rolling down her friend's cheeks and a sorrowful look on her face. She took hold of Selina's hand and looked her in the eye.

"It's going to be fine, okay? I don't know what we're going to do but I won't let them take you anywhere. That's my job as your alpha and that's exactly what I'll do."

The door opened and the female detective appeared.

"We've just received a call from Mr Bailey. He's asked us to remove his accusation, apparently it was a misunderstanding on his behalf."

"So what does that mean for us?" Jana asked.

"The charges have been dropped. You and your friend are free to go." she replied, before walking away, leaving the door open.

The two exchanged a relived look as they got up and walked out into the corridor.

"Well, I guess that's over." Jana said, trying to process what had happened.

"Thank God. I thought I was going to throw up." Selina breathed "What do you think made him withdraw his accusation?"

Jana shrugged as they walked through the main doors and onto the street. "I don't know. it doesn't seem right though, something happened whilst we were in there."

"Yeah" Selina agreed "it doesn't make sense that he'd do that, unless someone forced him to-" She stopped walking, an idea forming in her mind.

"You don't think that..."


"TJ. He wasn't waiting for us to come out. Where is he?"

Jana took out her phone and dialled TJ's number, holding the phone to her ear.

"He's not picking up." Jana said "Maybe you're right. TJ knew we didn't stand a chance in there so he took it upon himself. It's possible, he had motive."

Selina looked at her alpha with a worried expression "If so, what do you think he did? I mean, Mr Baily could have locked us up, got the compensation... it would take a lot to change his mind."

"Well, when TJ's angry..." Jana trailed off, biting her lip nervously.

"...No-one knows what he'll do." Selina finished. Jana hummed in agreement

"So what do we do?"

"The only thing we can do. Find TJ."

Author's Note

Ayyyy I'm 15 now!!!

I apologise for the bad quality of this chapter, but I've been focusing on my Matei imagine, which I can now announce will start being published by the end of September!

Gahhh I'm so excited to see what you all think of it!!!

Comment and vote if you want <3

see you soon xxx

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