Chapter 10

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For some unknown reason, the buzz of the full moon didn't seem to be having the usual effects on Jana. Katrina noticed this as she silently watched her flatmate taking orders from a young couple sitting in the corner.

"So um, that's two brownies and two coffees, one with milk and one without?"

The couple looked at each other and shook their heads at Jana.

"Oh, let me try that again"

"Actually" Katrina called from across the room "why don't you take a break? I'll take over, yeah?"

Jana disagreed, but walked away anyway, not wanting to cause a commotion in front of customers. She wanted to have something to distract her from her already busy mind, even if she was slipping up a bit.

As soon as she was behind the door to the flat, she let out a relieved sigh and slid down to the floor. She sat there for several minutes, silently contemplating everything. She was frustrated, she knew that, but the source of her discomfort remained a mystery. Whatever it was, it was powerful enough to block out any hope of feeling the extra surge of energy provided to her on these days.

Jana was incredibly grateful for the door that separated her from the judgemental public eyes and her flatmate. There were times like this when she just wanted to escape, be alone for a second a get a chance to take a breather.

Being a nobody in society is so under-appreciated.

She sighed once more and took her phone from the shelf above her, slumping even further down the wall when she sat back down.

4:17pm. 13 more minutes until Matei finished at college. She could wait thirteen minutes, just.

Jana had just rested her head against the wall when she heard a familiar voice talking to Katrina from the other side of the door.

"Hey Katrina, is Jana not here?"

"Oh she is. I told her to take a break, poor thing. I think she's a bit stressed."

Jana tried to hold back a snarl at Katrina's comment. She wasn't weak, she was an alpha, and she needed to pull herself together.


The door burst open and bashed loudly against the wall, making Jana regret her choice to try acting calm and confident. Well done on staying cool, Jana thought, nearly knocking a door of it's hinges definitely looks normal.

Ollie looked at her in shock, along with everyone else in the Kafe. Jana mouthed a quick sorry to Katrina before turning her full attention to the worried looking wolfblood. She knew her flatmate would want to have a go at her for minding the new paintwork -"it comes off easily!"- but judging by the look on Ollie's face, she had bigger things to be dealing with.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked as he invited his alpha to sit with him by the counter.

"Hm? Yeah, I guess I'm just- stressed at the moment"

Ollie nodded "I understand. TJ told me what happened with you and your friends last night"

"Wait, how does he know? I didn't tell him."

"Um, Jana, he was here."

Jana's eyes widened when she realised Ollie was right, she must have been really distracted last night...

"Actually, now you mention it, I remember now" she said with a slight laugh, trying to cover up her obvious lie. "But you weren't here, were you?"

"I was" Ollie explained "but I had to leave. Segolia called."

"Oh. Why's that?"

"Well, that's what I needed to talk to you about"

He leaned forward in his seat, looking round the room as if he was expecting someone to be watching. Of course, no one was. The small café was practically empty, but that didn't stop Jana from glancing round her shoulder too. Whatever Ollie was about to tell her, it wasn't going to be good.

"When I met up with my boss last night, he asked me..." he paused, and Jana could see that he was trying so hard to say this in the nicest way possible.

"He asked about my connection to Kincaid"

A wave of panic struck through Jana as soon as the words had passed through Ollie's mouth, and her heart started beating far more rapidly. She was frozen on the outside, but on the inside, Jana was freaking out.

He looked at her expectantly, waiting for some kind of reaction, but he didn't get one.

Jana blinked hard, trying to shake herself into behaving rationally. How was it fair that he still had this control over her? The smallest thought of him was enough to make her blood boil, but also terrify her mind.

"What- what did he ask?"

Ollie opened his mouth to explain, but Jana was too distracted by the ring of the bell on the door. A part of her was relieved to see Matei walk through the door and smile warmly at her, but her senses were still panicking.

Matei's smile turned into concern as he noticed how pale his girlfriend looked.

"Jana, what's up? Is it Maddy and Rhydian? Where are they?"

He wrapped an arm around her wait protectively. He hoped to comfort her- after all, it was kind of his job- but Jana remained unresponsive.

Matei glanced at Ollie, who shrugged in response.
"I need to go. I'll see you both tonight"

Ollie said goodbye to Matei, and with one more concerned glance at Jana, made his way out of the building.

Matei immediately took his seat, looking Jana in the eyes and resting his hands on her upper arms.
"Jana, what did he tell you?"

He lifted her chin slightly, making her eyes focus on his rather than the floor.


"It's- it's not to do with Maddy or Rhydian. They went out this morning " She whisperd.

"Okay" Matei replied softly "So what was it about?" He tried to sound calm, but the fact that Jana was acting so out of character was beginning to worry him.

Eventually, Jana realised that Matei wasn't going to let this go. She wanted to tell him, but not now, the pack deserved to find out together. Plus, it gave her more time to figure out how she could tell the pack something that could potentially change everything.


"Hm?Oh!" Jana jumped when she came back to reality, noticing her boyfriend's face only a few inches from hers.

Matei couldn't help but smile yet again, despite his mild concern. No matter the situation, Jana never ceased to amuse him.

"We should go meet Maddy and Rhydian" Jana said slightly too confidently. She jumped up and grabbed Matei's hand, trying to encourage him to forget about it and leave with her.

"Um, Jana?" She heard Katrina call "I know I said take a break, but I didn't mean bunk off with your boyfriend and do god-knows-what."

"Katrina, full moon." Matei replied simply.

"Oh yeah. Well, have all the fun you want. Don't let me hold you back" She winked at the couple before resuming her work.

Matei looked at Jana, who just rolled her eyes.

"Come on"

Author's note
Whoo another update! Hope you guys are enjoying this, please comment and tell me what you think.
This chapter is so long, i'm weirdly proud 😁 I'll gonna leave it here before it gets any longer, bye! Xx

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