Chapter 6

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Jana and Matei silently observed the two wolves as they prowled around the area. It was clear that the unknown two knew that they were not alone. A long time was spent slowly circling the perimeter of the clearing, making Jana and Matei back up even further. As a wolf, Jana's wild instincts were thriving in her veins, encouraging to act like the alpha she was.

She looked at Matei, a look that he knew ment follow me.

They leapt into view, lunging themselves on top of the stranger wolves. However they were just as strong, and fought back just as hard. Jana and Matei were both forced off and stumbled onto the ground.

The other wolfbloods circled them, snarling and growling aggressively. The smaller of the two seemed to be more angry, Jana noticed. As she and Matei snarled back, she noticed that the larger wolf had something all too familiar about it. He seemed to notice this too, because he took a small, tentative step towards the two in the middle.

But it was only when the boy transformed when Jana's suspicions where proved to be correct.

She transformed herself, enabling her to become face to face with the person she had missed so much.

'Rhydian? Rhydian!'

Matei watched the red haired girl fling herself at the stranger. But it soon became a hug. A loving hug. The kind you would give to an old friend.

Matei hadn't even realised he had become human again until he saw a girl standing next to him. She was shorter, and her hair looked messy and unclean. The blonde haired boy, who he presumed to be the infamous Rhydian, looked about the same age as him. He grinned and laughed with Jana as he held onto her tightly, only finally letting go for the girl to hug Jana next.

Matei stood awkwardly and silently watched the scene before him. After the magic of the reunion seemed to have passed, Jana introduced him to them.

He smiled. 'Hey. So how do you know Jana?'

'We used to live in Stoneybridge' the girl (who he now knew to be called Maddy) replied.

"And before that me and Jana lived together in the wild" Rhydian added, playfully nudging Jana "Remember?"

She grinned at him "Remember? We were like brother and sister! We still are!" Jana laughed, pulling her friend onto another hug and earning a raised eyebrow from Matei.

He coughed quietly before interrupting "so, how come you're here now?

"Well, we contacted Jana a few months back, saying we would come over here soon." The blonde haired boy began to explain. As he did, he joined Maddy and put an arm round her, confirming Matei's suspicious that they were a couple. He thought about doing the same to Jana, but decided against it; she seemed too preoccupied with her old friends at the moment.

"Was there something wrong in Canada? Why sis it take you so long to get here?" Jana asked.

Maddy rolled her eyes "Urgh, you will not believe how anti-wolfblood the people at the airport were! I mean first of all, every wolfblood in Canada had to get a new passport; and when we got through security we were taken into an office and asked about a billion questions"

Jana laughed slightly "Huh. I never thought about how the wolfblood revelation would differ in separate countries"

"Actually" Rhydian and Maddy shared a knowing look "We need to talk to you about that" Maddy said.

"Oh, okay. Shall we go to the Kafe?" It's practically pitch black out here now"

Maddy and Rhydian both looked at her questioningly. "The Kafe?"

Jana laughed at her friends confusion, she couldn't wait to see their faces when they found out she now lived with Katrina. "Come on, I'll show you the way" She said, guiding them the way.

The four wolfbloods set off through the woods, making progress towards the Kafe. The majority of the journey consisted of Jana, Maddy and Rhydian sharing and laughing about the memories they had created in Stonebridge. Matei walked behind, listening closely to their conversations. It wasn't that he was jealous, just intrigued. Intrigued to find out about Jana's earlier life, the first sixteen years of her live that had practically been a mystery until now. And even though he couldn't join in just now, he was content with just listening and learning.

And looking forward to the time in a few years when it would be his turn to talk about 'the good days' with Jana.

Authors note

Oh my friggin god, it's been so long!

I'll try not to make excuses, but honestly, school will be the death of me!

So it seems a lot more people have been interested in my books recently. I've received so many more followers and votes then I ever expected in the past few weeks, so thank you!!!

Please vote and comment because it really motivates me to update more often, hopefully my next update will be sooner!

Love you xx

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