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Hope you liked chapter one, so here is chapter two hope you like it. Love you all!


When I got to school it suddenly felt like this wasn't going to end well. We finally found Ymir,Reiner and Bertholdt.

"Hey guys!" I said waving at them.

"Hey long time no see (Y/N)" Bertholdt said walking towards me and gave me a hug.

"Yo it's been a while." Reiner said.

"Yeah even though it's been only two weeks, I guess you can still say that it was a while." I said braking the hug and fist bumped Reiner's fist.

"Well I haven't seen you cuties in a while either." Ymir said putting her hand around my shoulder.

"Well not to worry we will all face Wings of Freedom high together." I said with my fist up in the air.

"Yeah that's the spirit! Now let's get going we don't want to be late for first period." Ymir said with her arm around my shoulder.

"Let's get our schedules at the principals office." Annie said emotionless as ever. We walked around the school for a while until we finally found the principals office. We got our schedules I had first period with Ymir so we started walking over to the classroom. When we entered everyone stared at us. We took our seats near the window in the back of the classroom. The teacher entered the classroom and started to talk about the boring stuff that happened to him and why he's late. After many excuses Ymir and I introduced ourselves to the whole classroom.  Many students stared at me but I just shrugged it off. After the whole introducing thing I sat down back in my seat. I kept gazing the view that I could see through the window ignoring every whisper, I could see cherry blossoms not to far from school. Maybe there's a park near by.

"Hey" Someone whispered behind me when I turned around Ymir was leaning on her desk so she could talk to me since this class is really boring.

"What is it?" I whispered back.

"You know that kid that has a horse face?" She whispered and pointed to a boy that was awfully staring at me and a lot.

"Yeah I see him, why is he staring at me like tha-" I got cut of by the teacher being right in front of my desk giving me the death glare.

"Miss (L/N) could you do the math problem that's on the board?" The teacher said with a serious look on he's face. "Well I guess it can't be helped since I have math for first period."

"Sure" I said standing up, walking over to the board I passed near the horse face who was staring at me.

"You get this right and I'll buy you lunch, if you don't get it right you'll buy my lunch." The boy said while grinning.

"Game on!" I took the marker and stared at the problem for a second. Then I started writing the whole thing detail by detail until the whole board was filled with math stuff. (To lazy so let's go with math stuff) When I turned around everyone was dumbfounded including the teacher, but I kept my emotionless mask on.

"Oh uh I-Its correct! Good job Miss (L/N) you can take your seat now." the teacher said walking over to his desk.

"I guess you owe me lunch." I whispered to the horse face but he was still in shock. Even if I get distracted in class there's always a part of me that's listening to every word that comes our of the teachers mouth. I walked back to my seat and Ymir raised her fist for a fist bump.

"Bam!" I said with an emotionless face when I fist bumped Ymir's fist.(Like a boss lmao XD)

"Ha! Look at their faces!" Ymir said chuckling.

(Eren x Reader modern AU) Falling for him Where stories live. Discover now