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I turned my head to see that girl from math class with the other girls around Sasha. What's going on?

"I'm sorry, but I'm not the only pig here Sasha apologized and bowed her head. Many stares where coming from other students they mostly came from a table that had a lot of guys, I bet those are the jocks, I can tell cause they have the team jackets.

"Why you little piece of-" Brittany said as she grabbed Sasha by the collar and slapped her in the face. Sasha fell to the floor and Brittany's friend started surrounding Sasha.

"Wanna say that again?" Brittany said as she was about to kick Sasha in the gut but got stopped by my fist hitting Brittany's face.

"Shit (Y/N)!" Annie said as she started to walk towards my direction.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" Brittany said holding her cheek.

"(Y-Y/N)" Sasha said holding her cheek.

"Stop her Reiner!" Ymir yelled as she got up the table and started to push Reiner towards me. He whispered a little 'Are you crazy' and yet he decided to stop me.

"Uh (Y/N) calm down, you're making a scene here." Reiner stated as he put a hand on my shoulder which I shrug it off and walked towards Brittany. There I was in front of Brittany, Sasha at the other side while my friends watching.

"Don't you dare hit Sasha ever again!" I said and walked over where Sasha was. I helped Sasha get up and walked away with Sasha by my side.

"That punch was just a warm up. But seriously don't hit Sasha or my friends ever again." I said as I turned around to give Brittany a death glare. Ymir and the others went back to our table.

"Hey are you okay?" A boy said while running towards Sasha.

"Yeah I'm alright Connie, don't worry about it." Sasha said holding her cheek.

"Let me see" Connie said while taking Sasha's hand off her face. I felt a huge smirk on my face and I also Saw her face turning into a tomato.

"Does it still hurt?" Connie said poking her face cheek.

"Um it's stings a little." Sasha said with a little blush.

"So this is Connie." I said.

"Oh uh yeah, that's me" He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N)." I said shaking his hand.

"Likewise, but how did you know my name? Have we met before or something?" Connie said.

"Oh yeah I'm Sasha's best friends-" I said but got cut off by Sasha putting her hand around my shoulder.

"More like sisters, we lived together since we were little." Sasha said with a huge smile but started to eat some chips at the moment.

"That doesn't change the fact that you know my name." Connie said as he is still kinda confused by that.

"Oh that's cause Sasha talks a lot about you and how cute-" I got cut off by Sasha putting her hand on my mouth.

"Hahaha Connie! I have t-to go to the girls r-restroom, see ya!" Sasha said running away while dragging me with her to the restroom.

"What was that for?!" I kinda yelled at Sasha.

"Why did you say that in the first place?" Sasha said blushing like crazy.

(Eren x Reader modern AU) Falling for him Where stories live. Discover now