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Eren finished unpacking some boxes with paperworks in it since he got transferred. He sat on his chair and let out a sigh of exhaustion. He got back up again and looked at the amazing view of Tokyo at his office. It was pretty high and he could see smaller buildings. He got lost in thought wondering of how his friends were. Then guilt flushed in his chest, he still remembers that girl who suddenly disappeared because of him. He loved her dearly but he also loved another girl. When he saw her tears his chest started aching, his heart shattered in a million pieces, no one could ever put them back together.

He carried a weight on his heart, feeling guilty by making that girl cry, even though that was a long time ago. The guilt flowed in his mind once in a while but he had a life to focus on. Once he got a job he didn't focus on anything else but work. Staring at that view eased him a little, it always reminded him that he still has a life to live. Suddenly a light knock on the wooden door interrupted.

"Good morning Mr. Jaeger, is the view to your liking?" The secretary asked with a clip board on her hands adjusting her glasses.

"Yes, it is" He replied putting his hands in his pockets.

"I'm glad to hear that sir, your assistant will arrive soon, I'll make sure she brings some contracts and paperwork that need to be checked" She said and took a glance at her clipboard.

"Ok, when will my assistant arrive?" Eren asked impatiently.

"In about a few more minutes" she answered while glancing at her watch.

"Then that would be enough, you are dismissed" Eren said while the secretary just bowed and left the room. Eren sat on his chair and opened his computer and started working. Until a certain call interrupted him from working. He took his phone out and looked at the name on the screen. He let out a sigh because it was Sasha calling, he really prefer working than talking to Sasha. Still he answered the phone.

"Hello?" He said annoyed. He hasn't talked to her in years because of (Y/N) suddenly disappearance.

"Eren, it's me Sasha" She said in a lower voice, Eren hardly recognized her.

"Hey Sasha why the sudden call?"

"I saw her" He got off his chair and looked at the view once again.

"Who?" He already knew the name Sasha was going to say.

"(Y/n)" His eyes widened, guilt always came back once in a while. But still he couldn't believe it.

"Sasha you are wasting my time, you probably  just saw someone that looked like her"

"But she was (Y/n)!" Sasha kept repeating, it only made Eren even angrier.

"I don't have time for this right now Sasha, I gotta go"

"No wait-" He ended the call and placed his phone on his desk . Walking over to the window and putting his hand in his pockets he thought 'what if she was right, what if it was (Y/n)?'

Even if she disappeared without leaving any trace behind, like if she was dead. There was no way she could be in Tokyo. At least that's what the whole school thought she was killed in the forest. He sat back down at the chair and got back to work but the thoughts just keep getting in the way. Turning his chair to face the tall skyscrapers he thought 'there's no way she's alive...' Then a certain knock on the door broke his train of thoughts.

"Excuse me sir, may I come in?" A shuffled voice that belonged to a woman said behind the door. Eren got pissed off since he's not the type that likes to be interrupted.

"Come on in" He said it with a pissed off tone. The woman opened the door and closed it.

"I'm so sorry for being late, it won't happen again" That voice was very familiar. It had changed a bit but he could still recognize it.

"I'm guessing you are my new assistant, is that correct?" He asked not turning around. And not believing who that woman was.

"Yes that is correct, my name is Nami Akiyama" She said, Eren could see her reflection through the glass but couldn't get her face. When he heard her name he lost hope that the woman was (Y/n). He turned around too face the woman called "Nami".

"My name is Eren Jeager-" His eyes widened, his words were stuck in his throat. Pure shock was written on his face. A part of him was sad and another was guilty. He didn't know what to do or what to say. Nami looked shocked but she tried not to show it.

"Jeager-san? Are you alright?" She asked looking worried.

"You...you're alive!" His voice was cracking but it was full of shock and sadness.

"Excuse me...what?" She said confused while raising her brow.

"(Y/n) (L/n), that's your real name right?" He said very desperate while approaching  her very slowly.

"No, no you're confusing me with someone else my name is Nami Akiyama" She said as she chuckled nervously. She noticed he was getting closer to her but she couldn't move until he was inches away from her side. She felt his breath on top of her ear sending goosebumps all over her body. Her breath hitch while her body was numb, her nerves were dying.

"It is you..." He whispered into her ear sending her shivers to her spine. Her heart was beating a hounded times faster almost jumping out of her chest, but she never showed it on her face. She thought doing nothing for now was better.

"No, I'm Nami Akiyama-"

"Don't give me that! Please...don't give me that shit, I know that's you (Y/n)...I just want to know why?" He slammed his hand on his desk l

"I'll let you think, for now I'll be finishing the paperwork our boss left you" She said as she bowed and excited the office not letting Eren say another word. Filled with frustration and anger he swooped all of the things on his desk. He took off his tie and glared intensely at the view. He knew it was her, there's no doubt about it.

(draft from 3 years ago, barely edited, hope u guys still like it)

(Eren x Reader modern AU) Falling for him Where stories live. Discover now