4 - Apologize

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It's been four days since I last spoke to Drew, I kept trying to message him and call him but always chickened out. There was a part of me that knew he was slightly offended by my comment but what did he honestly expect? He should understand that there was going to be some kind of resentment to the man I haven't seen in over eight years. Right?

Despite trying to justify the way I spoke to Drew, I knew he was stuck in the middle and was just trying to do right by both his sisters and his dad. This only made me feel even more guilty.

"Ugh!" I sighed out loud before pushing my feet out of my bed. I sat there starring directly at my closet before shifting my eyes to the exit which was right next to it. It's like I was expecting my room to hold the answers I needed.

Rolling my eyes I got up to grab clothes to change into, there was only one place that I needed to be right now. The most common place people went to, to clear their heads and let out their frustration. I've always had a love/hate relationship with the gym, fair enough I was relatively fit but it sure as hell always kicked my butt when I was on that treadmill. Maybe this time around, I needed to just focus on my health and ignore everything else around me?

'You've always been good at shutting people out of your life'

Ignoring my own thoughts I quickly got dressed. After getting dressed, I jogged downstairs to the kitchen to let Isaac know I was leaving. I knew I had the freedom to leave Alena at home today because he wasn't going anywhere, thanks to a little calendar he decided to buy. However, I had no intentions of taking advantage of it. Walking into the kitchen, there he was leaning over the kitchen island messaging on his phone before looking up to see me. What I didn't expect to see was him raise an eyebrow in question at my outfit, as his eyes roamed up and down in confusion.

"I'm going to the gym." I clarified

Isaac chuckled before quickly placing a closed fist over his lips, "Sorry."

"Jackass." I mumbled as I turned my back.

"LOVE YOU TOO!" He yelled out as I walked out the front door.

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I spent a good hour at the gym, alternating between cardio and boxing. I didn't realise the frustration and anger I had pent up until I started punching at something. After the hour had passed I was exhausted but I could feel the adrenaline course through my veins as my hands slightly shook from the boxing session I had. This was definitely something I needed to keep doing, whether or not I was going to commit to it was another story.

After a few minutes of stretching, I let out a shaky breath as I got my bag to walk out but stopped in my track when I saw Drew standing there with his hands in his pockets. It was something about his stance that made him look guilty, like he did something bad and he knew it. Before I could question what he was doing here he spoke up first, "I'm sorry. Don't hate me."

My eyes creased slightly in anger as his words sunk in, "What did you do?" I asked slowly but assertively.

Drew didn't get a chance to answer the question because the door next to him opened and Adrian walked in slowly. I watched as he stood there with his hands to his side, he looked like he was trying to pat a wild animal. I shifted my angry eyes to Drew who just stood there gaping at his dad in anger, clearly whatever plan they had didn't follow through.

"Hi Avery."

"Don't. You think blind siding me is going to get me to talk to you?!" I quickly interrupted him, my head moving between both men who were now standing in front of me.

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