25 - Breathing

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"Breakfast is ready!"

I ignored the voice that muffled through my door as I turned my body to sleep on the cool untouched side of my bed, letting out a relaxed sigh I began to fall into a deep sleep.

"Avery! Get up! You still have school for one more day this week. You can sleep in tomorrow."

"Go Away, Isaac. I'm not going to school." I yelled out before thumping my head back into my pillow. I waited for a response but was greeted with blissful silence. Smiling to myself I let out another sigh of content as I wrapped my blanket tighter around me.

It didn't last too long because I felt the cold swish through me as my dooner cover was removed, exposing my legs to Melbourne's cold air.

"You're such an Asshole." I mumbled, annoyance evident in my tone.

"Get up." Isaac demanded.

"Why do you care if I go to school or not!"

"As if I wouldn't care about your education! You have three weeks until term 2 holidays. Besides, I made your favourite."

My head perked up at his last sentence, "No, you didn't."

"Baked beans on toast."

"Oh, hell yeah! You rock Zac."

He chuckled as he walked out of my room and back downstairs to the kitchen. Looking around my room I didn't have the energy to go to school, I just wanted one day to myself where I didn't have my friends, Jaxon, my brother, my Mum and Dad. I just wanted alone time, just for a day. Letting out a sigh I quickly got up and dressed for school, keeping it simple with skinny jeans, my yellow singlet and black sneaker wedges. After brushing my teeth I finally decided to join Alena and Isaac at the dining table for breakfast.

As much as I nagged about wanting alone time, I was finally at a stage in my life where I didn't have drama with my parents. It's been five days since the conversation with my dad, a conversation I wasn't expecting to have but was glad nonetheless. It was like this weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I felt free. Free from having to hold any kind of grudge on my dad and free from hate. Don't get me wrong, I have no intentions of seeing him everyday but it's made it so much easier to have that option with him. Our relationship was finally on the mend, it almost made it easier that Alena didn't remember anything of the past because I didn't have to put focus on fixing their relationship. As much as I hated Drew for this stupid bet, it was the best thing that happened to me.

"Earth to Avery! We're gonna be late if you don't hurry up!" Alena spoke up, snapping me from my thoughts. I wiped my hands with a hand towel just as I finished doing the dishes, it was only fair seeming Isaac made breakfast.

After grabbing my black bomber jacket and my backpack we made our way to the car. Turning the ignition on I set my car into reverse, only to be interrupted by my phone ringing. I looked at Alena in plea who quickly got the message. Rolling her eyes she answered my phone before placing it on speaker.

"Hey Drew. I got you on speaker."

"Yo. I gotta ask you a question." He responded almost instantly.

"Hi Drew!" Alena spoke up

"Hey, Alena! How are you baby sis."

Alena rolled her eyes before answering, "I'm not a baby."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." He said as he chuckled through the phone.

"What's up?" I spoke up as I changed gears before driving off to school.

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