51 - How Deep Is Your Love

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!!!Attention my creative followers!!!

For anyone who wants to create covers for AQMA and FSA the floor is yours! Create all you want and email them to ck.bella@hotmail.com

Make sure you include your Wattpad handler name and Instagram name as I will be posting them on Instagram and would like to tag you in them!

I can't wait to see what you guys have created.

Be sure to follow me: @claireaabell

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It's been several weeks since that horrendous day in court. It's been several weeks since I've had to look behind me when I'm walking or worry about when the next random threatening text will come. For several weeks I've finally been feeling relaxed and at ease, being able to truly enjoy my life in peace. Knowing Noah was behind bars has been the best thing to happen to my health in a long time. Unfortunately I still get letters that he sends me everyday, they don't get read though. Every letter he sends gets put into my draw so that I can give them to Oliver when the time is right, but at least he knew about them and where they were.

I couldn't help but smile as I think how great these few weeks have been. Work and school have been great, my friends are amazing and of course Jaxon is beyond the perfect boyfriend. I let out a content sigh as I started packing my bags, I needed to go home for a few days. Mums lawyer had been kind enough to delay the reading of the will because of what has happened recently but it was now time to get it done.

A week after court Dad had booked Monday coming in, to allow me a few weeks to just calm down and not jump straight into the next concern in my life. Honestly, at first I questioned it but now I'm so grateful because I needed that time to just recollect myself. I was able to put focus on the remaining few weeks left of school and catch up on my studies. We don't get much school time during term four because they want us to use our time to study for our exams.

"What are you doing?"

I looked up and smiled at Isaac as he stood at my door, "I'm packing a few clothes for my trip to mums house. I'm going to be there for three nights, remember?"

"I know where you're going but why the fuck are you packing your English book?" He asked as he shook his head in humour, no doubt judging me.

"Cause I'm going for three nights?" I sarcastically questioned him back.

"Yeah but you'll be going through yours and your mums belongings, remember?" He responded, humour in his tone.

I let out a laugh as I shook my head, "Yeah, cause I have sooo much sentimental items."

He let out a snicker as he shrugged his shoulders, "True."

I smiled triumphantly because I knew I had won this little battle we had.

"I should go with you." He stated as he sat down on my vanity chair.

"Ha! You got jokes. I don't need you to come with me. I'll be completely fine."

"I don't know Avery, it just feels weird. I seriously don't like the idea of you going on your own."

"I'll be fine." I reminded him as I placed my books into my bag.

"Just call me if anything comes up, I'll be there quicker than you can blink." He said as he stood up from the chair.

"I promise I will"

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