7 - Take Care

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It's been two weeks since my first and last catch up with my long lost father. Never in my right mind did I ever think I would think those thoughts. The more time that had passed, the more rational I was being, I was willing to try and make this work once more. I still refused to let Alena in on what was happening though, I wasn't 100% sure on how this was going to work. Truth be told, I didn't know my father from a bar of soap, this was my way of confirming that he was a true father, someone with good intentions for his daughters. Alena's safety will always be the first priority in any situation for me.

Our holidays went a lot quicker than what I had anticipated, but at least now I had another distraction to keep me occupied from my thoughts. It didn't help that now I had to see Jaxon's face everyday knowing that we were no longer a thing, we weren't even on talking terms. I was almost proud that I had managed to avoid seeing him the first three days of school. I knew it wasn't helping the situation that I was avoiding Jaxon every opportunity I could get, clearly much to his dismay. However, I was upset, angry even because he was so quick to throw in the towel. Now that the holidays were over, he's trying to speak to me? A little late for that.

"Morning Everyone."

I snapped out of my thoughts as Mr. Reid walked into class. Today was the day we finally got to hand in our English projects, the next two days were going to be spent on these diary entries, which also meant no homework for the weekend. I couldn't help but think back to the nights I spent trying to write this diary entry, and how it hit so close to home. After recent events, I managed to get my emotions onto pen and paper, just in time.

"Avery? Want to start off for your group?"

I took in a deep breath before exhaling nervously as I stood up to walk to the front of the class. As I turned around, paper in hand, I unintentionally looked at Jaxon who was now leaning his forearms against his desk, full attention on me. Surprisingly, he slightly nodded in encouragement and in all honesty, it was the encouragement I needed. No one in this class knew just how honest my entry was, except for Jaxon of course.

'Here goes nothing.'

I mentally prepped myself before starting, refusing to look into anyone's eyes.

"When I think back to my childhood days, you were in all of them. You taught me how to ride my bike and how to swim. You showed me it was good to laugh and joke around, it was okay to be sad as long as you picked yourself back up. You made the promise to always be my rock.

No matter the situation, I was okay because I had you in my life, I woke up with a smile on my face knowing you were only a few meters away.

Until one day you weren't.

You weren't there when I needed you the most, my first broken bone, my first detention.... my first high school heartbreak. My life was turned upside down and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get off this rollercoaster I called my life. I grew up knowing that people made promises only to break them, they tell you what they want you to hear but only to get what they want.

I spent all of my teenage years without you, I didn't get to appreciate the smallest things in life during those years; You threatening my dates for all my school dances and/or grounding me for sneaking out of the house. Let's not forget, you giving me the birds and the bees speech every dad hates to give, before threatening the life of my future non-existent boyfriend."

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