13 - Get Low

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Although I was facing the kitchen, I could see Nick from the corner of my eye. It was my way of keeping a close eye on him and on any sudden movements. He must have caught on to what I was doing because he let out a chuckle just as his bottle touched his lips.

"Can we just talk about the elephant in the room?" He asked just as the bottle came away from his lips. I turned my body further to the left to face him, I knew exactly which elephant he was referring to.

'Well, it's not Brittany.'

'She's more of a gorilla, if anything.'

I giggled lightly at my own joke, to Nick it just looked like I was giggling at his comment. So to keep up the facade, I nodded in agreement as my foot tapped along with the beat of the music.

It was interesting to finally look at Nick, really look at him. I never really took in his appearance the last time we had met. He wasn't a bad looking kid to be honest. When I looked at Nick, he reminded me of an all-good teenager, capital of the football team and all that jazz. With his blonde hair that just touched his ears tousled messily through his fingers, big bright sky blue eyes and fair skin.

He cleared his throat as his smile widened, showing a full set of perfect teeth. I gave him my full attention, waiting patiently, there was no way in hell I was apologising first because I knew I didn't do anything wrong.

"I'm sorry. It was a bad night for me, I was drunk and honestly didn't know what came over me. It's not an excuse I know, but I'm not normally like that." He said calmly while looking directly into my eyes. I had to admit, it was surprising to hear him acknowledge that he fucked up. Some guys would have beat around the bush, not Nick. He straight up owned it.

"Can we start over? Let's start over." He added, grabbing our half empty bottles of beer before getting up to walk into the kitchen. Confusion took over my features as I tried to figure out what the hell had just happened. I eyed him out as he grabbed two new bottles of beer but as he was about to leave, Jaxon grabbed him by the forearm to whisper in his ear. Nick leaned back to look at him before laughing and walking back to me, much to Jaxon's disappointment. I swallowed the lump in my throat as Jaxon looked over at me with worry, but his face soon disappeared as Nick came into view.

"Hi, my name is Nick. I'm a douchebag who got kicked in the balls by a girl." He said as he handed me the beer.

I laughed out loud before responding, "I'm pretty sure I kneed you in the balls. Nice to meet you, the name is Avery."

He shrugged his shoulders as he laughed, "Still, hurt like a motherfucker."

I patted the seat next to me as I laughed at his comment. I watched as he chuckled before sitting down next to me. Maybe the night wasn't going to be too bad.

* * *

We were both laughing uncontrollably at Nick's embarrassing story he probably already regrets sharing.

"Your poor grandmother! She's probably scarred for life now!" I said in between my laughter.

His shoulders shook as he chuckled a little, "Well, she now knocks on my bedroom door before just bursting it open. I think she's learnt that you can't do that to a fifteen year old boy."

"It's been three years and she now just avoids my room altogether." He went on to add.

I let out a laugh again as I pictured his grandmother's face throughout this whole ordeal. Walking in on a fifteen year old boy in the morning would not have been the greatest day for her.

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