34 - Unconditionally

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It's been eight days since we saw Mum. For the first time in my life I was happy, truly happy. Work was amazing, Bianca constantly showed support and the people were amazing to work with. I was at a stage in my life where I had no fears about Noah, I couldn't care less about him. He didn't consume my thoughts anymore. I spoke with my dad regularly, it wasn't bitter, we actually had a few jokes. My relationship with my mum kept getting stronger.

Jaxon and I were also in a good place, there were a few days when he picked me up to go to school so that we could have time to ourselves. He was also kind enough to let Alena tag with us. However, I would get out when we were dropping Alena off so that he drove into our school driveway on his own, much to his dismay. He didn't agree with that but never questioned it because he knew my reasons. I still didn't know what we were, we hadn't talked much about our date, our kiss or if there was going to be another date. Therefore, the last thing I needed was the entire school's attention. Needless to say, our bond was growing stronger, we officially had no secrets between us.

Today was not about me though, today was about Alena. Today she turns eleven and I was originally planning a last minute lunch because time had gotten away from me. However surprisingly enough, dad saved my life. Dad had asked if it was okay if he organised a surprise get together for her. He then went on to say how this was for him just as much as it was for Alena because he had missed so many birthdays and wanted to start making it up to us. So, he had organised a family day at AMF bowling and would have Drew message me when it was time to bring her down. It was rather cute hearing my dad get all giddy about this birthday and insisted I not say anything to Alena.

I knew I still had a few hours up my sleeve until our family outing so I sat up in my room as I finished the homework that was due. I was in a good place with school and I had good grades, not that any of it mattered because I knew I wasn't going to College or University. I was pushing myself to complete schooling because it looked better on a resume, rather than the employee shutting me down because I was a "high school drop out." I had finished my work and was now sitting in the lounge just as Isaac got home. He came in and plopped himself on the couch next to me. I looked him over and noticed that he appeared tired.

"You okay?" I asked.

He was in the middle of rubbing his face with his hands before stopping to look at me, "Yeah. Just tired."

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked. I didn't push him when he shook his head before slouching back into the couch.

I bit onto my inner cheek as I debated on what else to say. He looked like he needed a good distraction, "We are going bowling for Alena if you wanna come? You can tell Nikki to meet you there, if you want?" I asked.

"Alena? Shit. I completely forgot it was her birthday." Isaac groaned before leaning forward to place his forearms on his knees.

"You know she's not one to expect gifts. Buy her food and she's happy." I said as I smiled at him.

Sat, June 25, 03:00 PM
Drew: Leave in 5 minutes

I looked at the message before looking at Isaac, "So, wanna come?"

Isaac looked at his phone before looking up at me, "Yeah, what the hell."

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"Where are we going?" Alena asked.

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