6 - Perfect

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There are moments in life where you regret every decision you make. Sometimes once a decision is made, you can almost see the future and instantly want to take that decision back. That's the feeling I have been experiencing since last Saturday. No matter how hard I closed my eyes and prayed, that message was still there. Six days later here I was, sitting in a cafe waiting on Drew and my... dad to arrive.

'What the hell am I thinking!'

To say Isaac was shocked was an understatement, but he understood my reasons for this meeting and he knew why I didn't want to take Alena with me. I didn't want to give Alena false hope about a reconciliation if this is something that is not going to work for us. It was safer to keep Alena in the dark for now, until it was safe to bring her out. Can you imagine the world of hurt I'd put her through if I brought her here, made her think that we were going to be a family again and then something takes that away? I can't stand to see how that would break her heart.

Fri, Apr 8, 1:30 PM
Drew:  On our way

"Ugh." I groaned to myself at the sight of Drew's message, it definitely was too late to turn back out now. I had been trying to practice what to say to my dad, but my anger kept getting in the way of my thoughts and interrupting my practice session. Now, here I sat with no idea what to say to this man I haven't seen in eight years.

My eyes kept diverting to the front entrance while my leg bounced up and down uncontrollably. The wait was killing me slowly and making me more anxious. Every time the door would open I would look up in panic, and then relax as soon as I saw that it was a stranger. This time when I looked up, I wasn't overcome by relief that it wasn't Drew and my dad. Instead, my mouth went dry when I saw them enter the cafe, my father following shortly behind Drew as he took the lead towards me.

I could see the panicked look in Drew's eyes, his eyes were practically screaming at me for me to relax and not overreact at this little gathering. I almost rolled my eyes at him and the way his eyes widened at me in warning as he came closer.

"Avery" Drew warned while greeting me.

"Andrew" I retaliated before smirking at him as he chuckled and shook his head in disapproval, before forcing me up from my seat into a bear hug.

"Hi, Avery"

My body stiffened at my fathers greeting, I felt extremely uncomfortable and at this point I definitely did not feel ready to have this conversation. Panic was slowly setting in and I was internally freaking the fuck out.

"Hi." I responded with uncertainty, before sitting back down. I waited patiently as they both sat down directly in front of me. I looked between the two men, trying to decipher who was going to start this conversation because I most definitely wasn't going to. The only reason I was here today was because of Drew. If this man thought for a second I was going to apologise for what happened at the gym, he had another thing coming.

"I'm sor-"

I quickly lifted my hand up to stop him, "If we are going to have this conversation, do NOT start with I'm sorry otherwise I'm walking."

He pressed his lips together immediately after, I could tell he was contemplating what he should say next and how he should say it. He clearly knew he had to tread carefully with this conversation because all it would take was one wrong word and I was gone.

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