28 - Stronger

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"Let me go. Otherwise, I'll scream my fucking lungs out." I whispered angrily through gritted teeth.

"You don't have the guts." Noah responded cockily.

"I know about the photos Noah. I swear, I'll go to the fucking cops, if you don't let go of me!" I whispered angrily. I forced my arm out of his grip and quickly stood up to leave but he quickly stood up and grabbed me by the back of my top to pull me back, causing me to squeal in shock. My cheeks flushed red from embarrassment and anger as customers looked on, but no one deciding to get up and help me.

"Mate, she wants to leave. I suggest you let her go." An onlooker said as he walked up closer to Noah.

Noah held onto me as he looked up to the guy with a death stare, "Mind your business if you know what's good for you."

"Don't get involved, babe." His partner whispered to him, just loud enough for me to hear.

"You don't know if he has anything on him." She said as she walked past me. This interaction happened within three seconds before they left. I was in complete shock that this was happening. I couldn't exactly hate the stranger, he did try but just didn't try hard enough. His partner was right though, Noah could have a gun on him as we speak.

My mind raced as I tried to find a way out of this mess. However, God must have answered my prayers because one second I couldn't move and then the next I found myself stumbling on my feet. It all happened so fast as I saw someone run past me and slam Noah, back first into the wall.

'What the hell?'

"Dont fucking touch her!" Drew yelled out, as he clasped Noah by the throat.

"Who the fuck are you?" Noah forced the words out.

Drew leaned in closely, "I'm the older brother they never warned you about. Now, how about you pick on someone your own size, fuckface."

'What the hell? What was Drew doing here and how did he know where I was?'

"Drew?" I called out in shock.

"I didn't fucking touch her! She wants to be with me!" Noah barked back as he tried to loosen Drew's grip around his throat.

Their conversation happened all too quickly, it took me a minute to realise that Drew still had him backed up against the wall. I looked around to see everyone was still just standing around, some even had their phones out recording. Rolling my eyes, I quickly moved closer to Drew and placed my hand over his forearm.

"Drew. He's not worth it. Let's just go." I whispered.

Drew brought his face closer to Noah until their noses were touching, "Maybe I should carve my name into your forehead so you know who you belong to, bitch." Drew whispered angrily.

With that said he pushed Noah against the wall for good measure, grabbing my arm he turned us around, "Lets go, Avery." He ordered, anger evident in his tone.

"Did she ever tell you how we used to go at it like rabbits."

I closed my eyes as I tried to ignore Noah's words. As I opened them I forced myself to look at Drew. There he stood clenching his jaw in anger as his chest rose and fell rapidly. I wanted to grab Drew and drag him out of there because I knew what was about to come, but I couldn't move my feet. I guiltily watched on as Drew turned around slowly to face Noah until they were nose to nose. Without saying a word he instantly southpaws Noah across his jawline, tackling him to the ground before laying punch after punch.

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