19 - Stay

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Merry Christmas my little bears!!!

You didn't think I wouldn't post a chapter on Christmas did you?! This time last year I posted a chapter for A Quarter Mile Away, have to keep with the tradition!

To all my aussies, I hope you had a beautiful Christmas Day. To my international babes who are a day behind, I hope you enjoy it! Stay safe!
Love you - Claire

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My eyes widened as I looked at the last photo, I couldn't move past it. I tried to look up at Jaxon but I couldn't. I was stuck on the photo that was taken only a meter away from where I slept. I swallowed the lump in my throat as my eyes began to water. I didn't want to cry. I couldn't break down now because then he wouldn't tell me the whole story. I took a deep breath as I lifted my head up to look at him. It was at that point that I finally took in his face. His face was full of concern as he bit on his bottom lip, no doubt regretting showing me these photos.

"Thank you." I whispered as I gave him his phone back.

"Are there messages along with these photos?" I asked.

I watched as he kept biting on his bottom lip, no doubt contemplating my question. He licked his lip before shaking his head.

"I don't understand." I said, shaking my head.

"Don't understand what?"

"Why would he just send the photos to you with no message or warning? That's not like him." I said as my eyes creased a little.

Jaxon let out a sigh that had a hint of annoyance in it, "Okay, there was a message. I just don't think you need to know about it. The photos were enough."

"Tell me, Jaxon." I said sternly.

"Fine. He said that if I got near you again he would make me regret it, that he would film the whole thing and blast it to the world." Jaxon stayed through gritted teeth.

"He said that when he sent me the photo of you sleeping in the hospital. I couldn't bare to think of the things he would do to you, so I ended it with you. I would rather you have a broken heart than to end up hurt worse, had I ignored his threat." He added.

My stomach turned at the thought of that. What made it worse was how oblivious I was because of all the pain killers they had me on, pain killers that knocked me out throughout the night. Just thinking about the possibility of him taking advantage like that made me want to throw up.

"Im sorry. I shouldn't have showed you." He whispered, lowering his head in shame.

I leaned forward and grabbed hold of his hand, "I'm glad you did. But, why now?"

"Drew knocked some sense into me. He made me realise that I was letting Noah win. I gave him full control of the both of us and he was taking advantage of it."

He let out a sigh as he leaned forward to place his other hand on top of mine, "I couldn't bare for you to think that I didn't care for you. I know now that the biggest mistake I made was letting you go."

My eyes creased in confusion, "I don't get it, aren't you afraid that he would find out and then do something?"

He shook his head instantly, "No, we have a plan in place. He knows we are ready for him. If he was really watching. He would know that."

"Who is we and why do you keep throwing that word around?!" I asked

"Me, Isaac, Lucas and Drew."

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