Chapter 1 / Intro

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Dark Emotions and Light Emotions are not allowed to talk to each other.
It's been like that since forever.
And it's going to stay like that for a long time.

Anxiety did not like that rule.
He hated how they had to be classified as either 'Dark' or 'Light'.
Don't get it wrong, he thinks being a darker one is good in some ways;
You get to see life from a different perspective, and see things that Lighter Emotions probably couldn't.
But there are some things that he dislikes.
One being that they can't interact with each other.
Like, what?
What if they got along?
But, no, everyone is meant to hate each other..

Prince did like that rule.
He liked it since he didn't have to talk to the others.
He didn't like the negative vibe they all gave off.
He was happy that he got to think of everything in a good way.
Not in a sad one.
There were some things that just irks him a bit.
Being a prince and a good person, he thinks there's hope for everyone.
So he felt a bit of pity every time he seems one of them alone,
Making him want to just go up and hug them.
But he's loyal, and he would never do what he knows is bad..

Some emotions worked against each other,
Some worked together.
Take Anxiety and Prince, for example,
Prince is all happy going,
Anxiety is sad and..well, anxious.
They don't 'go together'.
And they never will.

At least that's what all the emotions thought..

( Okay, so this isn't how all chapters are gonna be, I just wanted to make an introduction-like thingy..
Thank you for clicking on this book! I shall try and update as much as I can, and I apologise if chapters are a bit short ( like this one ) but I'll try make them at least 700-900 words. So, I hope you enjoy this..! )

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