I've been wanting to say this for a while so why not

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Okay so this isn't an update. (Obviously, since I already finished the book,) I just wanted to say some things. (I apologise in advance if it's boring)

So first off; I DIDNT KNOW MORALITY'S NAME WHEN I WROTE THIS. I know now that his name is Patton, I came up with 'Matthew' before we knew that. And I'm just too lazy to change it all, so just please stop commenting about that.
[ Edit: Gave in, changed it to Patton now. ]

Second, I have a thing that will probably make you all very much dislike me 😅..

I know a lot of you don't like Depression. Because he 'gets in the way of Prinxiety', which, when I first introduced him, I intended. But as time went on, I actually started to sympathise with him slightly. Yes, he was still the 'villain', but you need to look from his side. He is depression, meaning that he is sad. All the time. He feels worthless and that no one would love him. But he had Anxiety, who had always been there with him, ever since the beginning. Imagine all the movie nights they spend together, all the jokes they had. That was probably the first time Depression had felt anything other than..empty. Anxiety was his only hope.
And to have him get 'taken away' by Prince, could you imagine how heartbroken he must've been? Anxiety was spending less time with him, and Depression probably thought it was his fault. He just wanted to know that someone loved him.
But I do think he went about it in the wrong way, since you can't force someone to love you.

Idk, I just wanted to say that. You may still hate him and I didn't say that to change your view, I just wanted to put that out there.
...yeah. Don't judge me.

One more thing! I have an idea for a book, it's Prinxiety and Logicality (again), but I'm scared to write and publish it?? I don't want it to suck but I'd love to get back into writing again, I just...ugh. It's frustrating.

Okay, that's all, sorry for annoying you with my words 😅😂
Hope you all have a wonderful day or night,
Bye! 💜

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