Chapter 8

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Anxiety's P.O.V

After, like, 5 hours of spending time with Depression, Jealously, and Procrastination ( aka, da squad. ), I was finally free. I didn't have any time today to talk to Princey. ...Not that I'm disappointed or anything. Pfft, whaat? No way.
I'm currently sitting in my room, just contemplating life, when there was a knock at my door. I got up to open it and it was none other than Prince himself.

"What are you doing here?" I ask bitterly, but on the inside I was actually screaming because he was smiling at me.
"I was just here to see if you'd like to hang out for a while? Have some cookies? Maybe watch a movi–"
I cut him off by grabbing his arm and pulling him in my room. "Yes." I say quickly, closing the door and turning to him. "Is that even a question?"

Prince giggles in response, holding out the plate that he had. I immediately take, like, half the cookies and start eating them. He started eating one as well, motioning for me to sit next to him. I was hesitant for a moment, before I sat a bit away from him, looking down slightly. I felt an arm being wrapped around me, making my cheeks heat up. I looked at Prince, confused. "U-Um..."

I glanced down for a second, before joining our lips together, only to pull away once I realised he hadn't kissed back. "S-Sorry..! I-I just th-thought that–"
He interrupted me by cupping my face and pulling me in again. I kiss back slowly, wrapping my arms around his neck loosely. After what seemed like forever, we pulled away. I just stared at him, eyes wide, before hugging him tightly.

Prince hugged back quickly. "Let me guess, that was your first kiss?" He chuckled.
"Oh, shut up, will you?" I mumble into his shoulder, hiding my face so he didn't see how red it was.
He giggled again and I could feel him kiss the top of my head lightly, playing with my hair. "Nah, I'm good."

Morality's P.O.V

"Prince? Prince! Prince where are you..?!" I call out for him as I'm running to his room. For those of you wondering why I'm looking for him, Thomas just got an email from Disney asking if he wanted to voice someone in a new movie coming out...! Me and Logic were trying to figure out to respond ( mainly Logic, I was just standing there awkwardly ), then we figured maybe Prince could help.
I flung open the door to Prince's room, but..he wasn't there? Huh? It's only 7 in the morning, where could he be? I'm pretty sure Prince would never wake up this early. I am highly confused right now.

I rush back to the control room where Logic was. "Logic! I don't know where Prince is! He's not in his room and–Oh my god. What if he got kidnapped?!"
Logic just looked at me with a blank expression. "I'm sure he's somewhere.."
"But I just–"
He walked over to me and kissed me ( most likely to shut me up ). It only lasted for a few seconds before he pulled away. "Be quiet, please. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable answer for why he's not in his room."
I sigh in defeat, nodding slowly. "Okay.."

So I was thinking, if I made a Prequel to this book – like, when Prince first met/saw Anxiety? And how they turned out to hate each other?
Would you read that? And more importantly, do you think you'd like it?

Please tell me if you enjoyed this chapter, and if I should improve anything! Oh yeah, we got 1k views! 😃 I love you guys so much ( a strictly platonic way ) and I just-THANK YOU.

Okay, I'll stop now, Bye!

( *thing I forgot to add in because I fail at everything* ) If I were to do a smut-like thing, who would top?
Morality or Logic?
And Prince or Anxiety?

...*coughs awkwardly* totally not a question for a may be future chapter.


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